In Avengers: Endgame, Bruce Banner finally manages to control the raging beast inside of him. He now has the ability to live as the Hulk indefinitely, while still maintaining his human compsure. This changes the game considerably, as Banner no longer has to worry about losing control and going nuts while in Hulk mode. It also introduced the internet to one of the funniest memes to come out of the MCU, and perhaps the biggest meme of the year so far.

There are many memes that have featured this cooler, calmer Hulk, but the most persistent of the bunch is Angry Hulk vs. Civil Hulk. The meme uses two screenshots of the Marvel hero, one in Hulk Smash mode, and the other all spruced up and tamed. Here are 10 such memes that won’t bring the monster out of you, but tell it to calm down and read a book.

You Better Not Tell Mom!

Amid all the unwritten rules of the universe, one of the most prolific is that siblings will always fight with each other. Even the tamest families are not immune to the occasional bitter spat, or disagreement that went too far. Stories about clashing with a friend’s sibling are exceedingly rare, however, probably because we want to maintain close ties with our acquaintances. That is, unless your friend’s sibling is really annoying, at which point you’d rather throw them and your siblings down a bottomless pit. Though, it’s probably a good idea to keep them alive; you never know when someone’s going to need a new kidney.

Where’s The Lamb Sauce?

Gordon Ramsey’s persona on American television is a lot different than his British counterpart. Sure, Ramsey’s still a hard-ass on his UK show, Ramsey’s Kitchen Nightmares, but he doesn’t fly off the handle nearly as much as he does on his shows outside the confines of the BBC. It seems that Australia also likes a good spanking from Chef Ramsey every now and then too.

But there’s only so many F-bombs you can drop in front of a child, which is why Master Chef Kids features the most chill version of Ramsey the world has seen. That said, it would be hilarious to see Ramsey go off on a kid like he does on Hell’s Kitchen. That’ll teach those little brats not to overcook the scallops.

Samus Is Better, Just Sayin’

Kirby, the pink ball with a larger-than-life appetite, has her fair share of fans and detractors. While the Kirby series has proven to be one of Nintendo’s more niche properties, her presence in the Smash Bros. franchise is where the majority of gamers know her. It’s also where much of her hate derives from, as Kirby is one of the most overpowered characters in the game. Kirby’s detractors are vocal, but so are her supporters, who are more than happy to respond with venom. All in the name of a character from a platformer with the visual atheistic of a preschool coloring book.

White Knights Of The Internet, Unite!

Guys can be very aggressive when playing games. Anyone who’s spent any amount of time on Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, or Steam already knows this for a fact. As a result, online gaming can be a toxic place that’s hostile to women. But there are a few brave lasses who are able to push the vitriol aside and have fun in a testosterone-soaked world.

Who knows, they may find some decent human beings who actually believe that women should be treated with respect. Either that, or they’ll just find some white knights who are just plain thirsty. The world is a cruel place.

Is $25 For A Fishing Rod A Good Deal?

Sports and the outdoors are two of the manliest things imaginable. While there are plenty of women who enjoy such pastimes, old stereotypes persist, even though most guys these days would prefer to stay inside and watch Netflix. Still, Bass Pro sales are a great way to explore one’s wild side, then immediately forget about it and leave that expensive Coleman camping stove you just bought to collect dust in your closet. But hey, it was such a great deal wasn’t it?

For Those About To Rock, Just Move On To The Next Entry

Metallica has grown from a band that perfected the headbang, to one that conjures eye rolls in the company of rock enthusiasts. Lineup changes, tonal shifts, and that lawsuit they filed to kill Napster tainted what was once one of the greatest metal bands of the ’80s.

While every rock band eventually loses their edge, Metallica’s fall from grace hit harder than most. Today, most people speak of Metallica in the past tense, as though they ceased to exist years ago. At least we still have their classics to listen to, if only to take our minds off their recent output of material.

You’ll Be Dead By The Time We Reach The Driveway

Moms are like Jekyll and Hyde. When they’re in front of others, they’re cool, calm and collected. But once everyone’s inside and the doors are locked, all bets are off. After all, how else are they going to keep their kids from hanging from the chandelier, throwing fine China like footballs, or pouring Grandma’s ashes down the toilet. Kids may be cute, but they’re terrible human beings who can bring out the Hulk in everyone.

Take My Breath Away

Some actors are so good at what they do that it’s easy to forget that they’re just playing a part. Take Keanu Reeves for example; he’s often typecast into aggressive roles that make him seem like a rage-filled killer. Yet, as we’ve seen recently, Reeves is one of the nicest people in all of Hollywood. Constantly showering praise on his adoring fans, Reeves shows a sense of humility that sets him apart from the rank and file Hollywood establishment. Hopefully, Cyberpunk 2077 will be as good as everyone hopes, and more people will find reasons to love this man.

Beware, Guard Dachshund On Duty

It’s one of the greatest ironies in life, the fact that small dogs often show more aggression than their larger counterparts. We all have stories about run-ins with small beasts of fury, chasing us out of a neighbor’s yard or attacking the local mailman.

That’s not to say that all small dogs are nasty and mean-spirited; if trained correctly, they can actually be pretty nice. But alas, people are more likely to get attacked by a vicious Jack Rustle, than by a Labrador that just wants to play fetch and have its belly rubbed.

Get You A Man Who Can Do All Three

When creativity and a sense of humor mix with geniuses, the result is an individual the internet, and society at large, will never stop loving. This is obviously referencing Elon Musk, the mastermind who shot a sports car into space. Unfortunately, while Mr. Musk has comedic strengths, this doesn’t always cross over into the dank memes he loves to parade on Twitter. There’s only so many pedophile jokes you can tell about Thai rescue divers before people stop laughing. Let’s hope that Musk learns to streamline his humor, or just get off Twitter for a moment and actually make the Model Y already.