But, a lot has changed in the years since we launched our first app. Our community has grown (love you all!) and the world of social media has evolved. We wanted to make sure we’re still offering the very best functionality to make sure planning your social media content is as smooth and streamlined as possible. Hence, our shiny new app! This isn’t like one of those makeovers in Hollywood movies where they take the glasses off an already cute girl and brush her hair and exclaim “Gasp! She’s beautiful!” It’s more like a renovation TV show where they knock down an already stunning home, and build a completely new one.  We’ve completely re-built the app from scratch with brand new technology that we know will make your experience faster, sleeker and easier. It still has all the colors and features you love (and more!) but we’ve reimagined the Plann workspace where you plan your Instagram grid lives. So, what’s new, exactly? Here are 10 time-saving, game-changing things you can do with our new app!

1. Switch views with toggle mode

Ever find yourself scratching your head trying to remember whether you actually scheduled that post, or left it in drafts? Or maybe you need to quickly check the wording of a caption on your Instagram feed, so you can keep it consistent for a story? If either of these scenarios sound familiar, you’ll LOVE our new toggle feature! It’s now super easy for you to toggle between grids and stories, drafts and scheduled, and back! With just a flick of a button, you can quickly switch views and compare what you’ve got coming up amongst any chaos.

2. Create multi-story posts

Single-post stories are sooooo yesterday! Okay, maybe they aren’t, but you can tell so much more of a story (literally) with multiple posts. Whether you’re sharing behind the scenes footage or sharing your new product to build your email list, the best stories are normally built over a number of frames. Our new multi-post stories feature allows you to upload and schedule all of your stories at once. So, whether you want to build hype leading up to a big reveal, show off snippets from a blog post or share an educational carousel, you can prepare the whole series in one go. No more scheduling those bad boys individually. This feature is also super handy if you’re doing a ‘talking-to-camera’ series, as Instagram only allows you to share 10 seconds of video in each story.  Pstt… multi-stories scheduling is available for both stories, and post carousels, on desktop and mobile. So, no matter how and where you want to tell your story,  we’ve got you covered!

3. Get a birds-eye view with calendar mode

Who doesn’t love a good birds-eye view to show you what’s coming up in socialsville!  This feature was so popular on desktop that we thought it was about time our mobile app got some calendar love too! With our new update, you can now access calendar view straight from the Plann app on mobile! This shows you at a quick glance what content you’ve got lined up across your platforms for the new month, so you can easily fill in the gaps or repurpose as needed. Plus, it shows you all the days you’ve already posted, which is always super satisfying and keeps the momentum going!

4. Overlay beautiful text onto your images

They say a picture speaks 1000 words, but let’s be honest — sometimes you just need some text to get your message across! Introducing the newest edition to our mobile photo editing suite — the text editor tool! Overlay professionally-designed text on images or graphics for your grid, stories or any other social media channels. There’s loads of different colors, fonts and effects to choose from to get your perfect aesthetic. You’ll find the new tool nestled in your image editor tool when you download or update to our new app!

5. Step up your stories with Canva Stories

There’s nothing worse than feeling like your stories don’t fit the feel of your brand. Now available right within our Plann app, Canva Stories app is the best way to make sure that never happens. With hundreds of beautiful vertical templates for Instagram and Facebook at your fingertips, this feature has everything you need to step up your stories game. Paired with our main Canva app integration, you’ll be able to edit these stories templates from within the Plann app, and make it your own with your colors, fonts and photos. Simply publish them into Plann and schedule them for when you’re ready to show them off!6. Access stock images and photos on mobile

6. Access thousands of royalty-free images on the go

You’re out and about, and the perfect idea for an Instagram post pops into your head…Or, you forgot to promote that offer/blog post/podcast episode You know what you want to say, but just don’t have the image to go with it.  Dang it! Sound familiar? The good news is, you no longer have to wait until you get back to your computer to post, or clog up your phone with a huge stock image, or screenshot someone else’s photo off Instagram or grab one off Google and pray the copyright gods don’t come for you! You can now add media from three of the worlds largest stock image and video sites, right from your mobile app.  Our partnerships with Pexels, Unsplash and Pixabay mean you can access millions of free images (and videos) for your grid or stories to make sure you never run out of things to post. How To Get Ahead With Your Social Media Content In Slow Times Learn how to get more intentional with your posting and how to plan out themed and seasonal content

7. Plan your content in Offline mode

Wanna take things offline? Whether you’re stuck in the car on a long road trip or are trying to make the most of your flying time on the airplane (when the world reopens!) our new offline mode allows you to make the most of your idle time.  Although launch features are light (we’re working on expanding them) you’ll be able to upload media and drag and drop to re-create your feed even when you’re out of service.  It’s also handy to switch on for when you’re trying to Plann your feed but keep getting distracted by all those other pesky apps.  Please note: If you are sharing your Plann with team members and making edits while offline, your posts will be overridden by the person who made the most recent changes. 

8. ‘Share to’ Plann from other apps

Plann now plays nice with other apps, thanks to the new ‘share to’ feature! Here’s how it works: Say you’re creating a masterpiece on an app like Lightroom, Photoshop, Illustrator, VSCO, Unfold or hey, even FaceTune (no judgment here!)  Gone are the days when you’d need to save that to your camera roll, and then upload it to Plann so you can schedule it. Now, you can skip a step and share it straight to Plann! Voila, you’re ready to schedule and share your beautiful work! No more huge files clogging up your camera roll — yay!  Yep, just when you thought we’d already added every feature for creating beautiful posts and stories…we just unlocked a whole new universe of options! Ready to take these fun new features for a spin? Heck yeah, you are! Update or download our new app on iOS or Android.

9. Autopost your Instagram content and first comment

Want to spend more time offline, but still show up on socials? Well, let us introduce you to one of our most exciting new updates in FOREVER. We recently launched Instagram auto posting through the official Instagram API (which means it’s completely safe and won’t compromise your account) Now, if you have an Instagram business account, you can set and forget your socials. Plus, you no longer have to choose between auto posting and crowding up your caption with hashtags OR manually posting the first comment. You can now schedule your first caption with all your hashtags neatly hidden away, and it will go out without you. Yep, you now officially have everything you need to slay your socials while you sleep!

10. Achieve next-level organization with media collections

We knowwww tagging, organizing and archiving your images is just about the unsexiest part of social media. But, just by making a few simple workflow tweaks, you can save yourself HOURS of time down the track. T hat’s exactly what we’ve done with our new and improved media collections on Plann! You can now tag media collections by content themes, color themes, dates or social media platforms, so you can always find the exact image you need, quickly. You can also star your fave pics and collections for easy access later, and add notes with info like image locations, contributors, product info (which is particularly handy for photographers!) Plus, now after your posts go live, we’ll save your work into a new ‘Published’ folder, neatly tucked away at the very bottom of all of your media collections. This makes it super easy to repurpose your top-performing posts! Currently, our upgraded media collections is available on desktop… but keep an eye out for it on our mobile app soon! Ready to take these exciting new features for a spin? Start your free trial today!