Peaky Blinders has been a huge hit on the BBC, following the Shelby family as they grow their empire through all manner of business both legal and illegal. Creating rivalries with various different people along the way, from other criminals to the government, the show is incredibly gripping.

Cillian Murphy brings an incredible performance in the lead role as Tommy Shelby, and the series has proven to be incredibly popular. Fans have watched each series incredibly closely, checking every episode closely, but that doesn’t mean that the audiences have picked up on every detail. There are many moments that have gone over the heads of people, with small details and Easter Eggs not being picked up on. But fear not, as within this list we will reveal 10 hidden details from the series that you might have missed.

White Horses

Horses play a big part in Tommy Shelby’s life, and the animal has a massively deep meaning to him. In his office in parliament, there is a white horse picture behind him, and on the desk of his home office is another horse ornament.

The reason for this is to connect how his mother came back on a white pony, which is something that has a deep effect on his mental health. As well as that, his association with the horse racing and betting industry which plays a big part in building his empire.

Stained Glass

When the Garrison Tavern gets rebuilt on the show, it returns featuring the beat-and-billet design of the Warwickshire Yeomanry in stained glass. This isn’t just a pretty design that was placed to make it look nice, that is actually the symbol of Tommy Shelby’s regiment during his time in the war.

The stained glass also has importance as it is a reminder of the source of his PTSD, which is constant throughout the show. However, the bear emblem also focuses on the rising sun and rays of hope, which is done to highlight a positive side of him as well.

The Godfather Reference

Throughout Peaky Blinders, there are several references and nods to The Godfather. This mainly comes by way of the fruit, oranges. The fruit pops up several times throughout the movie and the set designers wanted to pay tribute to that within the series.

A bowl of oranges can be seen in Tommy Shelby’s office in the second season of the show, but that isn’t the only time. A journalist is gunned down in season five which was done in a way similar to The Godfather series, and he just so happened to be carrying a bag of oranges as well.

Based On A Story

There is a lot of truth and myth when it comes to the actual Peaky Blinders. Many believe they existed and were incredibly violent, others think they weren’t violent and others don’t believe they happened at all in the time period set on the show. Well, the show creator, Steven Knight certainly knows all about them.

The reason he wrote the series was that his father told him a story about the Sheldon family, which eventually became the Shelbys. This is what inspired him to make the series, which is likely why so much heart and effort goes into it.

Help From Ozzy

Who would have thought that rock and roll legend, Ozzy Osbourne could have anything to do with Peaky Blinders. Well, he certainly and does according to Helen McCrory, who plays the character of Polly Gray in the series, who has to have a Birmingham accent.

This isn’t her natural accent, so this was something that she had to practice in order to get right. To do so, McCrory revealed that she watched endless clips of Ozzy Osbourne talking. He is one of the most famous people to ever come from Birmingham, so it’s not a bad person to learn from.

3000 Cigarettes

If you’ve seen Peaky Blinders, you know full well that smoking is a major part of the show. Smoking was a common habit of people in England during this time, and therefore in order to be as realistic as possible, the characters on the show are often seen with a cigarette.

Cillian Murphy discussed that situation, admitting it wasn’t easy for him as he’s actually a non-smoker! Of course, they didn’t actually make him smoke really, as the cigarettes used on the show are actually herbal rose. During one season, Murphy made his way through 3000 cigarettes, highlighting just how many he has to go through.

How It Will End

While we know that there will only be one more season of Peaky Blinders, we actually also know exactly how they’re planning on ending the show. Knight admitted that he wants the show to end with the sounding of the World War II air raid sirens in Britain.

The reason for this is that he wants the show to take place between the two World Wars. Obviously, the first war is what seriously effected the family and causes them to act the way they do, so World War II would be an interesting way to bookend it, as many of them may end up having to head back to fight.

No Color

Another detail that many people miss about the show is actually about Tommy Shelby’s clothing. The leader of the Peaky Blinders is always looking his absolute best, and at no point will you see him looking scruffy, which is a nod to his army days, where he would have had to make sure his uniform was perfect.

However, you will also notice that he never wears any color. Tommy’s suits are always dark, whether that be grey or black. This is to signify the issues going on inside of his head and the fact that his mindset itself is actually very dark.

Hell References

During Peaky Blinders there is a whole lot of fire used throughout the show. They appear on the main street in almost every single episode, but that is something that is deliberately done, as this is a reference to hell itself, because of the group’s behavior.

It gives the show a massive sense of hell throughout, which makes sense considering they do so many different illegal acts throughout the series. Whether it be the way they rig the bookies or the fact they openly murder people.


While the characters aren’t actually brothers on the show, Michael Gray and John Shelby do have a link. The actors who play them, Finn Cole, and Joe Cole respectively, are actually brothers in real life and it was Joe who helped get his brother the job in the show.

While this wasn’t intentionally done beforehand, it is a detail that many people aren’t aware of. Finn admitted he wasn’t planning on auditioning and couldn’t afford to get to Birmingham, so he actually auditioned by just sending in a videotape, and the rest is history.