DC Comics has been around for decades and managed to create some of the most popular and famous superheroes, such as Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and many, many others. Millions of fans love these heroes and enjoy their new adventures in comic books, on TV, and in films as well.

If that wasn’t enough, you can always go online and spend countless hours checking out fan stories, memes and fan arts, one more hilarious than the other. Let’s take a look at the top 10 of DC fan art photos which would make even the usually stoic and stone-faced Batman laugh.

You Stole My Line!

Even though Batman and Superman don’t often see eye to eye since their characters and also their approach to fighting crime is completely different, that doesn’t mean they’re not friends. And some fan art creators, such as the Pinterest user OK Boomer, believe, that Superman and Batman have the potential to be even more than just friends.

In this fan art, Superman does the unimaginable and steals Batman’s punch line, which is a big no-no between superheroes. When Batman gets angry, Superman just finds it adorable and it’s difficult not to see the heart eyes he’s giving his Justice League colleague.

Not A Comedian

There are some superheroes who are excellent at throwing out jokes left and right, wherever they go, whomever the fight… And then there’s Batman. He’s definitely a capable superhero but making jokes isn’t one of his biggest talents, as the Pinterest user Cami demonstrates in this fan art.

As Tim Drake aka Robin finds out, when it comes to making puns, Batman has a lot of catching up to do. This fan art will definitely speak out to all young people who once found themselves in a similar situation with their parents when they were trying to be funny but ended up embarrassing themselves instead.

Never Alone

Batman likes to claim he works alone and he usually doesn’t seem very excited when somebody tags along on a mission. But for such a self-proclaimed lone wolf, he has a surprisingly large family, as you can see in this fan art created by the Pinterest user Fulanito De.

In fact, he has such a large family it garnered a whole new name - a bat family. There’s Robin, of course, and not just one, but several - Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne. Batman also works with Batwoman, Batgirl, Commissioner Gordon, and, last, but not least, Alfred.

Cursed Facebook

In the end, it turns out that it’s not Lex Luthor who’s Superman’s worst enemy… but Facebook, of all things. It often made Superman fans confused that nobody seemed to recognize that Superman and Clark Kent were the same people, even though Superman only masked his true identity by wearing glasses, slouching a little and using a different type of speaking.

But somehow, Superman made it work and all was fine, his secret identity was safe. Until Lois Lane decided to post a photo of her and Superman on Facebook and it automatically recognized Superman as Clark Kent, outing him to Lois in a matter of seconds. Oops. Pinterest user Rachel VanLangeveld shared this picture and she’s not the only one who finds it hilarious.

Magic Trick

Not only should Batman reconsider trying to make his bat family laugh with bat puns (pun intended), he should also stay away from magic tricks and leave them to other people, more specifically, the Joker, who can always make your pencil disappear. Dragonarte has created a series of brilliant Superman vs. Batman fan arts which show that sometimes the most humorous fan arts don’t need any words.

Like this one, in which Batman is working on impressing a group of kids by a flying magic trick, and it works at first… Until the children realize that it’s actually Superman underneath the sheet.

Sorry, Justin

There are actually multiple versions of this picture available online, but the one posted by Jeroom.Inc shows that Superman is definitely not a Justin Bieber fan. On any other day and in any other situation, he would have probably flown in before you could say “Superman!”, but when it comes to saving fans at the Justin Bieber Annual Fan Meet, Superman is simply not bothered.

Of course, in the comics, Superman would never let people die, even if it meant ignoring his taste in music for a moment. But everything is possible in fan arts and while Justin Bieber fans might not like this one, it’s still hilarious in a dark way.

Easy Choice

This fan art published on C-SECTION COMICS shows the real reason why Superman and Wonder Woman broke up. If you read the comics, you know that these two started a relationship, even though it might be argued they both belonged to someone else.

At least, unlike most other women, Wonder Woman doesn’t have to face the difficult choice of picking her outfit each day when she goes to work, on a date or to hang out with her friends. When you wear the same costume pretty much all the time, it saves you a lot of hours spent in front of your wardrobe and mirror.

Why So Serious?

Sometimes, superheroes take the whole being a superhero thing way too seriously. You can say that about Batman and about Green Arrow as well. At least about Green Arrow played by Stephen Amell in the TV show Arrow. Comic book Arrow is much more relaxed and often likes to make jokes, while TV Arrow is in many ways similar to Batman.

comickergirl shows what happens when Green Arrow clashes with other superheroes, mainly The Flash and Supergirl, who are both much better at just letting go and enjoying the life of superheroes and all the advantages it brings. Oh, and they also both like to sing, and rock it. Maybe Green Arrow is just jealous because he can’t sing as well as they do?

So Unfair

Another brilliant fan art published on C-SECTION COMICS partially answers a question many DC fans asked themselves before - where do superheroes get their money? While some of them are billionaires, like Batman, and others have a day job, like Superman, what about the rest?

And how will they react when they realize that they’re not making any money from their superhero activities and are therefore sacrificing their time for free? Once Superman and his younger cousin Supergirl realize this unfortunate truth, they look less than happy. But it still makes you laugh because their reaction is priceless and the drawing style excellent.

The Slowest Man Alive

Barry Allen aka The Flash might be the fastest man alive… but in this fan art posted by the Pinterest user Riley Coburn, Oliver Queen aka the Green Arrow is also the slowest man alive. Or at least slower than his superhero friends. Oliver is excellent at archery and highly proficient at hand to hand combat but he doesn’t have actual superpowers like The Flash and Supergirl.

The Flash can run really fast, so does Supergirl (who can also fly) and poor Oliver stays somewhere far behind them. Which they later use to make fun of him, showing that being a superhero doesn’t mean you always have to be serious and dramatic.