Harry Potter is a magical series that has played a massive role in shaping our youth. It has taught us many valuable life lessons such as the importance of friendship and selflessness. JK Rowling has single-handedly created an entire universe for us, filled with brilliant characters and concepts. She alone brought Hogwarts to life and has given fans a “place to call home, whether on the page or the big screen”.

Yet despite all of the magical whimsy we’ve been offered from the Potter series, there are definitely some elements in Harry Potter that kind of, sort of… make no sense. The world of HP has its own (hilarious) logic, so without further ado, let’s take a look at some of the funniest memes emphasizing this skewed logic.


One of the most heartbreaking elements of the entire Harry Potter series comes from the unrequited love Severus Snape reserves for Lily Potter. When Snape finally shows the smallest inkling of kindness towards Harry as he lays there dying, he tells the boy who lived that he has his mother’s eyes.

While the final moment shared between the two is meant to induce tears upon fans, this beautiful exchange has been ruined by the above meme which points out how Harry definitely doesn’t have his mother’s eyes. While the actress who plays a young Lily clearly has brown eyes, Harry’s got those baby blues. This meme changed the whole game (and partially ruined our childhood), but we can’t deny how hilarious it is. What were the casting directors thinking here??


Seriously, Fred and George deserve more credit for being super chill about Ron’s supposed third-year lover. Because The Weasley Twins have access to everyone in Hogwarts on The Marauders Map, the chances are pretty high they stumbled upon their own brother who was sleeping with this “Peter Pettigrew” fellow every single night. Of course, Peter turned out to be Scabbers the whole time, but Fred and George had no clue that this was the case. If they did see Ron and Peter cuddling together on the map, they were progressive enough back in the early 2000s to know that love is love. Too bad they didn’t realize that this “Peter” character was a fully grown man.


We all remember that classic (and perhaps slightly dramatic) scene in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone when Harry tries to snatch one of the Hogwarts acceptance letters in slow motion. While this moment is meant to be magical and epic, it now just makes us crack up because of this specific meme. Turns out Harry isn’t the brightest bulb in the box, no matter how many times he uses the Lumos spell.  If you rewatch that scene from the film, you will notice how there are TONS of acceptance letters on the floor. Why didn’t he just snatch one from the carpet? It’s probably just so Harry can be dramatic, but we honestly love him all the more for it.


Growing up, we might have all at one point accused our professors of being evil. Maybe they gave us too much homework, maybe they picked on us too much in class. Yet although those teachers might have been bad, they most likely weren’t straight up evil like they are in the Potter universe. Seriously. Why doesn’t Dumbledore do a better job reading the resumes and cover letters of these Professors? Why can’t the staff do more of a precise background check? It’s a school of children for Merlin’s sake! Do your job, Albus, and pick professors that aren’t secretly out to destroy young children!!


Honestly, what would you do at the age of eleven if a strange man broke down your door and told you to get in the van (or flying motorcycle) because you’re a gosh darn wizard? It seems unlikely that anyone would automatically trust this random giant who looks like the head of a Father John Misty fan club. Of course, the idea of going to a magical school sounds incredibly tempting but most people would probably have their guard up over following Rubeus Hagrid to a “magical world”. Yet, if Harry chose not to trust the bearded giant, we wouldn’t have a series! In that sense, we are thankful for Harry’s sense of logic (or lack thereof).


That moment when Voldemort is a secret Teddy Bear and is actually pretty damn considerate. It’s so sweet of him to wait until the end of the school year in order to attempt to kill the boy who lived. He truly understands the importance of learning Herbology, Transfiguration, Charms, and even Divination. When it comes down to it, you might even call Lord Voldemort a bit of a goody two shoes for letting Harry do the whole “school” thing. Perhaps the Death Eaters even make fun of him for his nerdy ways. Lord Voldemort? More like Lord NERD-ALERT, am I right guys?


Okay, so clearly the only real troll in Hogwarts is Dumbledore. The definition of a troll is to “elicit an angry response” and it seems as though everyone in the Slytherin house is a victim of the headmasters trolling. You might say that Albus is taking his trolling a bit too far because he is willing to put a bunch of children in danger.

Of course, this scene was a goof, but it’s pretty freaking hilarious now that you think about it. It makes us wonder… where did the Slytherins end up going after this scene? Were they forced into the Hufflepuff dormitory? That would be an incredibly interesting combo to witness bond together. Sounds like the perfect set up for a reality TV show!


Turns out, the sorting hat isn’t as deep as we thought. While we’d love to think the sorting hat chooses who gets into each house with heavy consideration and deep psychological thought, this meme more accurately depicts who will be a Ravenclaw and who will be a Hufflepuff. Truth is, we are too multi-dimensional as human beings to simply be one of the following: “brave” “loyal” “smart” or “ambitious”. Most of us don’t just have one defining quality because we are (usually) more complex than that. This meme hilariously points out the strange and rather random thought process that goes into the sorting hat. Plus, this is a perfect depiction of online sorting hat quizzes we’ve all taken countless times before while growing up. (Don’t act like you weren’t bummed out to find out you were a Hufflepuff).


The Harry Potter series is so popular and beloved because of the valuable life lessons it teaches us. The magical series teaches us all about the values of friendship along with the importance of doing the right thing. What it could do a better job at, is teaching people not to so blindly trust strangers! Throughout the series (especially in the first few books) Harry is quick to trust everyone while listening to every ridiculous thing they say and following through with it. Classic Harry! If she told you to jump off a cliff, would you do it, Potter? We know that you would be willing to crash into a brick wall and we have that on record, bro…


Okay, so clearly the point system only works in the form of a popularity contest and Harry’s house is, of course, the one to win because that’s just how the Potter world works. Doesn’t matter how hard all of the other houses worked. Doesn’t matter how loyal those Hufflepuffs were or how ambitious the Slytherins managed to remain throughout the year. None of that matters because Harry freaking Potter is a Gryffindor and he’s obviously the Cady Heron of the school so he gets the points while Slytherin aka Gretchen Weiners gets squat. That’s Harry Potter logic for you, kids!