Tony Stark, AKA Iron Man, is and always will be a fan-favorite to many. His loss deeply affected the MCU and its fans; there’s only so many times we can watch him die on-screen. Our hearts shattered enough the first time.

Still, we have plenty of years and plenty of movies to remember him by, and if the most recent Spider-Man movie is anything to go by, it’s clear his legacy will remain in tributes in future films. That said, he had plenty of logical–and not so logical–moments that have been made into memes that we simply had to share here.

A Real Heartache

In the case of Iron Man, this is a literal thing. Shrapnel from a blast is lodged in his heart, and the reactor in his chest is the only thing keeping him alive. It may look cool, but it requires a lot of maintenance. Not to mention it can have any number of short circuits (we saw Ant-Man do this on purpose in Endgame).

It’d be more stressful than not, and that can certainly cause some serious heartache. Iron Man may have a flair for the dramatic, but he’s accurate when it comes to this.

A New Level For Mechanical Engineers

No doubt that many of today’s mechanical engineers aspire to accomplish something along the lines of Iron Man fame. Creating a one-of-a-kind suit from scratch would definitely earn high marks on any resumé.

In Iron Man logic, mechanical engineers are held to higher standards thereof. While it may not exactly turn out that way, at least mechanical engineers can include the likes of Tony Stark in their field, fictional or not.

Single Player Vs. Multiplayer

This is funny for a variety of reasons. Tony simply doesn’t play well with others; we know this. While he doesn’t do too badly on his own,  there are times when he needs to delegate and acquiesce to other teammates. Tony gradually learned to do these things over the years, but it’s clear that at the end of the day, Tony had a preference for going solo.

For us videogame players, we tend to do the same thing until we decide to try multiplayer. We then wind up with our butts kicked by other players, which is unfortunate. In the end (in Tony’s case), he saved the world, sacrificing his life to do so. Maybe going solo has its benefits–then again, perhaps not so much.

No Back-Up Needed

Speaking of solo projects, Tony sometimes had a tendency to take on more than he could handle, although he had his reasons. Maybe he wanted to be the hero, make sacrifices so no one else had to. Maybe he just wanted to execute his own plans without question or protest. Or maybe he was just in the mood to do some butt-kicking.

Whatever his reasons, he sometimes left out the Avengers, even though they’re a team of highly qualified and capable people. Good thing Tony didn’t try to take on the war in Endgame alone, even if he was the one to make the final call.

It’s On

In Iron Man logic, it’s a relatively normal and frequent thing to clash with Captain America. The two have a very different approach when it comes to just about everything. Lifestyles, war tactics, treaties, women, technology, morals, values. The list goes on and on.

What makes this meme funny is that it makes fun of the fact that pretty much any little thing can set these two off on each other, even something as silly and relatively insignificant as the names of their deceased mothers. While the two may have a general understanding and grudging respect for one another, that doesn’t mean they’re best friends, unlike Batman and Superman.

That Awkward Moment…

Yeah, remember that time in Captain America: Civil War when Tony essentially got his butt kicked by two old dudes (Bucky and Captain America)? Tony put up one Hell of a fight, that’s a given, but he still got served.

We were too focused on the emotional intensity of the fight to consider this the first time. Yet, if any humor can be found out of what was essentially a tragic moment in which Tony learned the truth about his parents’ murder and the end of the Avengers as they knew it, it’s this little tidbit.

It’s Not That Simple

Tony Stark built his first Iron Man suit in a cave while under strict captivity. That’s no easy feat in itself. He later upgraded significantly, adding the red and gold flair to his suit as a personal signature. He later created many, many more in all kinds of different forms (notably in Iron Man 3). 

This meme is right: one doesn’t just simply build a suit. Especially if they’re Tony Stark, who builds all sorts and all types pretty much all the time.

Hey Tony?

Sometimes even geniuses overlook good ideas. However, in this case, perhaps Tony overlooked it on purpose. He does like to do things with style and create plenty of damage and destruction in his wake. It just seems to be his way. Intentional or not, Tony always seemed to make messes (and then enlist Pepper or the Avengers to clean it up).

Nonetheless, someone should take this idea, though it looks like Hulk is doing better control-wise these days. Too bad no one thought to do it back when Hulk was a green rage monster.

What Was That Password Again?

The funny thing about this meme is that we can totally see Tony doing something like this (especially to Captain America, who would totally use a password like “Ironman Sucks” wherever he could utilize technology). Tony’s got a huge ego, the power to find out everything from algorithms to people’s passwords and the resources to blow up as many things as he wants.

Chances are, if your password is “Ironman Sucks”, Tony Stark would do something about it. Infect your computer with a virus, call you out, or blow you up. It depends on who you are, or it just depends on the day and the mood Tony happens to be in. Not only this, but the hidden message here is also a debate between Marvel and DC fans. DC fans…you’ve been warned.

An Honest Confession

If any meme could sum up Tony’s personality so perfectly, this would be it.

Like we’ve mentioned, Tony had a huge ego. He wasn’t hurting for self-confidence; he knew he was a genius and he owned it. Alongside billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist. Still, he had his flaws.

Meanwhile, we still loved him, even if we kind of hated him at times. He wasn’t all bad, but he wasn’t all good. Like most of us, Tony lays somewhere in between those two things. Tony Stark once said we needed him more than we knew. Yet, we’re more inclined with Phil Coulson’s reply to that statement: “Not that much.”