Does anyone actually know how this guy became a walking meme? Between John Mulaney’s comedic timing, delivery, and old time-y mannerisms, it’s only natural that he became probably the most relatable comedian out there. We can all relate to parents with different political views, being bossed around by airline workers, and maybe even lying for drugs (y’know, like a crime). But not all jokes were created equal and despite a solid repertoire, about half of the hilarity ascended to top tier memeage.

Here are 10 John Mulaney memes that are too hilarious for words.

McDonald’s! McDonald’s! McDonald’s!

Taken from Mulaney’s Netflix special The Comeback Kid, the man of the hour describes a situation from his childhood in order to fully convey the type of person his father is. At one point on a car trip, Mulaney and his siblings saw those telltale golden arches creeping up on the horizon. Naturally, they all started chanting, “McDonald’s! McDonald’s! McDonald’s!” And father Mulaney stops, orders a single black coffee, and leaves.

This incident has led to the creation of the McDonald’s pyramid. Have a movie or TV show you like? Someone has probably made a chart of who would shout “McDonald’s,” who would be rational and suggest eating the food at home, and who would order a single black coffee and leave. No matter how many times this comes across your timeline, it’s always funny.

No! YEAH!!

Mick Jagger is truly larger than life. Seriously, that’s his name. When recounting working with the Rolling Stone star, John Mulaney had some great anecdotes. One of these involved writing a parody song with Mick Jagger during Mulaney’s SNL days. Jagger would exclaim “NOOOOO!” or “YEAH!” based on whether or not he liked a lyric.

Naturally, this became a meme for literally anything. But not everyone uses the template in the RIGHT format. (Ok, so there’s not a right way to meme, but please make it so John Mulaney is pointing at your comedy material.)

This is the Height of Luxury!!


Perhaps the funniest part of the Home Alone 2: Lost In New York bit was about the limousine and the extra large pizza. Ok, so the grid system joke is a very close second. It’s true, how does one actually get lost in NYC when the entire city’s a graph? 4 up and 2 over!

But we can all relate to that childlike wonderment when faced with a fancy car and lots of food. That still sounds like a massive luxury because really, there’s nothing better than free food. And this quote is so applicable to everything. Wanted to lie down in a bathtub at Home Depot? Height of luxury! Chillin’ in a hot tub in a limousine? Height of luxury! Going to McDonald’s yourself because you have money so your dad won’t just buy a single black coffee and leave? Luxury!

Tag Yourself!

The “Tag Yourself As a Quote” meme is becoming increasingly popular through many fandoms. John Mulaney just has so many relatable quotes that there’s at least three of these floating around for social media users to enjoy.

From alignment charts to general Mulaney nonsense, there’s plenty of content out there to call you out on your habits. Have fun!

That’s Not a Real Year

Everyone can relate to not wanting to get older. Or simply denying the passage of time and letting the date surprise you every time you go to write it down. It gets even weirder once we start thinking about the dreaded high school reunions. Seriously, how weird is it to get together with people you may not want to see just to brag about how far in life you didn’t go? At least we’re all in the same boat.

2029 totally isn’t a real number. It’s not. Make it go away. It’s not real.

Best Buy Rewards Card

As a perfect example of John Mulaney’s chocolate eclair backbone, we present the Best Buy Rewards Card. In another hilarious anecdote featuring Mulaney’s dynamite wife that he loves so, so much, he comes under scrutiny when responding with, “I wish!” to a Best Buy cashier. Little Miss Jesus Christ is 100% done and walks off to leave Mulaney to clean up his Best Buy Rewards Card mess.

Going off the joke about praying that the Best Buy worker thinks he’s in an abusive relationship revolving around a Best Buy Rewards card, this stock image meme portrays the entire event perfectly.

John Grulaney’s Diabolical Plan

As the story goes, John Mulaney once tried to lie to get drugs. Y’know, like a crime. It went pretty sideways for him. The lie wound up prompting the doctor to give him a rather invasive exam and it just wasn’t a good time. But it made for a hilarious story about a failed attempt to get Xanax in the name of getting nervous on airplanes.

It was only natural that when the Gru meme picked up steam, it got the John Mulaney treatment. This could also work really well for the Delta Airlines story, but the word “ass” makes everything that much funnier.

The Bread of God is Bread

Even if you didn’t grow up in the Catholic church, you can still appreciate the dig at psalms. They’re not songs! They’re psalms. Though none of those psalms actually revolve around God’s bread, the example and execution is downright hilarious. Good luck catching your breath.

Of course, someone made the fake psalm super relatable. Yes, please load up on the carbohydrates. Pizza makes everything better. Garlic bread makes everything better. Carbs. Make everything. Better.

John Mulaney + Infinity War

 John Mulaney as Spider-Ham just opened up the full potential of Marvel meme-age. Look, he made it into Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, he’s basically MCU adjacent. And that means Spider-Ham would totally take on Thanos because if anyone can beat the big purple thumb of destiny, it’s cartoons.

But seriously, imagine him in the MCU. Please. Let Spider-Ham join the MCU.

God Can’t Hear You, Sasuke

Remember the choking Sasuke memes going around a while back? Yeah, someone added John Mulaney to the mix. Taken from the Kid Gorgeous special, Mulaney shares an anecdote about some of his Sundays in the Catholic church. Specifically, he talks about psalms. They’re not songs! They’re psalms!

At one point, he says that one day, his father grabbed him by the shirt collar and said, “God can’t hear you.” Apparently, he wasn’t psalm-ing loudly enough. Naturally, with that visual in mind, it was only a matter of time until it got Sasuke’d up.