After watching Avengers: Endgame, we know the knife still feels like it’s twisting in your heart after the great losses we suffered. The reason why the film felt so heavily in our souls is that the Marvel Cinematic Universe took the time to map out 22 films across what is known as the “Infinity Saga”.

Now that the Thanos story is done and dusted, it’s time to go back and watch the films that led to the epic battle in the end. Of these movies, there are 10 that hold the most significance, and you need to go and watch these films to provide context to the feelings you’re experiencing after Avengers: Endgame. You’re obviously here since you’ve watched the film, but we’ll play it safe and give you a Spoiler Alert!


Thor: The Dark World

Those who’ve skipped The Dark World won’t really have understood why Thor was so heartbroken to leave his mother, but she was only minutes away from her death. Thor being brought together with his mother on Asgard was what brought him out of his shell and made him want to fight after five years.

The film will also remind you of the power of the Aether as it was the movie that focused on this Infinity Stone. Known rather harshly as one of the weaker films in the MCU, Thor: The Dark World doesn’t have many fans, but it does have great context for Avengers: Endgame.

Captain America: The First Avenger

The very final seconds of Avengers: Endgame had Captain America in a loving embrace with Peggy Carter, and you need to watch Captain America: The First Avenger to understand just how much the two loved each other.

More poignantly, the fact that they were dancing was a perfect circle coming to a close as Steve and Peggy did want just that – it only took almost a hundred years to get there. Another reason to watch the film would be the reminder of the Space Stone, which has been the most recurring Infinity Stone out of all others.

The Avengers

Since you’ll have finished watching the final Avengers film in the Infinity Saga, then you need to go back and see how the team started in the first place. The last two Avengers films have featured every superhero out there, so it’s easy to lose sight that there are actually six main Avengers in the series.

The Avengerswill reignite that fresh feeling in your heart for the faction, as you’ll recall how exciting it was to see all the heroes teaming up for the first time. It was a big deal back in 2012, and it’s always great to go back to the roots and remember how the MCU became awesome in the first place.

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Avengers: Age of Ultron is the weakest of all Avengers films, but it does hold significance. It’s most important for you to watch to understand Hawkeye’s side of the story in Avengers: Endgame and why he’s so beaten down. The film showed us the in-depth life of the archer; how his family was the reason why fought at all.

Another major reason is to watch the Avengers all be united as a unit for once. Every other Avengers movies other than this one had them either fighting or split apart, so Age of Ultron is needed for you to remember why Tony was so livid at Captain America for not “losing together”.

Guardians of the Galaxy

Avenger: Endgame surprisingly focused quite a lot on Nebula and Rocket, both of whom were first introduced in 2014’s Guardians of the Galaxy. We focus on 2014 because that year’s version of Thanos, Gamora, and Nebula are the ones we see in Avengers: Endgame.

Guardians of the Galaxy is pure fun in any case, so you’ll have a wonderful time laughing along in one of the funniest MCU films to date. Along with that, the film will refresh your account of Thanos as it was the first movie in the series that featured the Titan in full. It’s a great film to compare the Nebula and Rocket of Avengers: Endgame with to see just how much character development they’ve gone through. Oh, and there’s the matter of the Power Stone being featured prominently in the film as well.

Ant-Man and the Wasp

You might think that Ant-Man jokes around like a clown quite a lot, which means watching his films won’t carry much weight; that would be where you’re very wrong. In order to understand how the Avengers were able to use the Quantum Realm to save everyone in Endgame, it’s absolutely essential to watch Ant-Man and the Wasp.

The film tells us everything we need to know about the Quantum Realm, and is a fun time in its own right. It’ll also be the best film to watch right after Avengers: Endgame since the film’s events took place concurrently to Avengers: Infinity War, so the snap’s effects will remain fresh in your mind.

Thor: Ragnarok

You can’t fully appreciate Thor in all his glory without watching Thor: Ragnarok. The film was responsible for making Thor the most powerful Avenger, and the funniest character in the series as well.

Plus, you’ll have to watch it to remember just how the Asgardians got to Earth in the first place, as Thor and company took off from Asgard seeking refuge. It also began Bruce Banner and the Hulk’s arc that was settled in Avengers: Endgame, so Banner’s reasons to become the “Professor Hulk” persona will be better understood by watching how he used to struggle with the big green problem.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

The Russo brothers directed Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, and you have to understand where their brand of storytelling began, so you can skip You, Me and Dupree and watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

We saw Alexander Pierce and the HYDRA agents in the time traveling scene from 2012, and it was the benefit of knowing they were all sinister people that brought context to this scene. So, to understand just why things were so tense before Captain America said “Hail HYDRA” in the elevator, you should rewatch The Winter Soldier. Even if you don’t want that context, you should still watch the film for the amazing action and intense thrills it delivers.

Avengers: Infinity War

No matter how much Kevin Feige tells us that Avengers: Endgame was a standalone sequel, we know for sure that it’s supposed to be the second part to Avengers: Infinity War. And you just can’t have the full experience of watching the Avengers win in Endgame if you don’t go back and see them lose in Infinity War.

This film brought us the epic team-up to end all team-ups, and it’s a pleasure to rewatch all the universe’s heroes in a battle to save trillions of lives. The MCU experience just can’t be complete if you skip out on this one.

Iron Man

This is where it all began, and not only should you revisit this film after watching Avengers: Endgame, Iron Man should be your starting point for an entire MCU marathon. Marvel couldn’t have asked for a better launching platform for the series as Iron Man is a masterclass that will never feel dated.

As Tony Stark tragically died in Endgame with the words, “I am Iron Man”, we can come full circle by going to the first moment he said those words and changed the landscape of film forever. With Robert Downey Jr at his absolute best, it’ll be a great disservice if you don’t watch Iron Man. Plus, it’ll remind you why we love Tony Stark all of 3000!