The science-fiction genre has been one of the most beloved genres among moviegoers for decades now. From engaging films to entertaining anime to detailed novels — this genre has had no shortage of quality works. It also has had many sub-genres too that made it even more entertaining.

One of the coolest tropes in sci-fi movies has to be the alien plot. From evil invader aliens to peaceful aliens, these come in all forms and colors. So, without further ado, here are 10 Most Lovable Aliens In Sci-Fi Movie History.

Spock (Star Trek)

This list wouldn’t be full without including one of the longest-running sci-fi franchises of all time. Star Trek is undoubtedly one of the biggest contenders for the greatest sci-fi creation ever made along with such a giant as Star Wars. Logically, one of the most beloved characters from the series is an alien. And while he was in a TV show, Spock has been in quite a few movies.

One of the reasons why Spock was so fascinating for many viewers was that his personality was a complete opposite of that of Kirk’s. Yet, both of them were incredibly charismatic and entertaining to watch as they were both well-written characters.

Superman (Superman)

Many people tend to forget that Superman is actually not a human being but a Kryptonian who arrived on Earth as a baby. Though DC Comics has many other superheroes who were initially aliens, Superman is the most popular one of them all.

If you think of it, Superman is not only the savior of humanity but also a very good person (and even everything any woman would want a man to be). He is fairly smart, kind, handsome, strong, and so many other things. Nevertheless, he remains humble and quite chill, especially in the comics.

Bubble (Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets)

Even though Luc Besson’s 2017 blockbuster Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets wasn’t a hit, it was still a decent movie that deserved better. Perhaps with time, this film (which is, by the way, the most expensive French movie ever made) will be acknowledged for its good sides.

What’s more, one of the characters is played by singer Rihanna. Bubble, a shape-shifting alien who is a dancer, is one of the cutest aliens you will ever meet. She has a tragic story, but she remains one of the most optimistic and kindhearted characters in the movie.

Frank (Men In Black)

Even though Men in Black was originally created as a comics series, it was soon adapted into movies and then an animated series. Nevertheless, Frank the Pug is a completely new character who first appeared in the 1997 Men in Black film starring Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith.

It’s true that not everyone likes talking animals in movies, but Frank must be an exception as there is almost nobody who hates him. He is quite adorable despite trying to seem like a tough guy. And besides, he is funny too.

Marvin (The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy)

The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is another example of a science-fiction franchise that includes comic books, movies, series, stage shows, novels, and even radio broadcasts (its original medium). Luckily, the movie that was released in 2005 had one of the most lovable aliens ever.

Marvin the Paranoid Android is a very intelligent alien robot who also happens to be quite depressed. In the movie, he appears to be more pleasant than his version in the TV series or the books. Obviously, that makes him more likable though he still complains a lot.

Groot (Guardians Of The Galaxy)

There is absolutely no doubt that one of the most interesting teams in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Guardians of the Galaxy. They are funny, have an interesting dynamic, and share some of the most heartwarming scenes in the MCU. What is even more obvious is that they have Groot, and nobody can beat that.

Groot is an alien that looks like a sentient tree and only knows three words (though those three words are the ones that constitute the entirety of his language). Groot, both as an adult and then as a baby, is quite adorable and many fans and non-fans love him.

Leeloo (The Fifth Element)

Another film directed by Luc Besson. The Fifth Element has an incredible abundance of aliens, but the most interesting of them all has to be Leeloominai Lekatariba Lamina-Tchai Ekbat De Sebat, or simply Leeloo (Korben Dallas, Bruce Willis’ character just can’t pronounce the whole name).

Leeloo is known as one of the Supreme Beings of the Universe even though she looks like a normal human being. Her appearance and personality are the reasons why everyone adores her, both the characters in the movie and the audience.

Chewbacca (Star Wars)

If somebody says they don’t like Chewbacca, they will probably be lying. Known simply as Chewie, he is a Wookie warrior and a good friend of the original trio from the Star Wars franchise. He might seem barbaric at first, but you start liking him more the more you see him on screen.

Chewie communicates only with the help of roars that Han Solo and others, frankly, understand. Nevertheless, he is a very smart character who has shown his intelligence many times. He is also a very good pilot and a sharpshooter too.

Neytiri (Avatar)

A decade after it was released, Avatar is still constantly being referenced as one of the best sci-fi movies ever made. After all, it was a breakthrough in terms of CGI. Obviously, Neytiri, one of the main female characters, is quite a lovable alien.

Neytiri te Tskaha Mo’at’ite, also known as Neytiri, is a Na’vi princess that Jake, our protagonist, falls in love with while being in the Na’vi body. Neytiri is beautiful, intelligent, and a great fighter. She wants to protect her clan and her planet which is a very admirable trait too.

E.T. (E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial)

Who would have argued that E.T. is not the most lovable alien of all time? Steven Spielberg’s E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial does an excellent job to make us view aliens in a completely different way than they used to be portrayed as before.

First and foremost, this is a story about a boy and an alien who become friends. This is why E.T. is so lovable and simply charming in every scene that we see him in. Besides, the story has a happy ending which makes it a definite positive experience.