Baby Yoda is indisputably the cutest character on television today, and there is a fair argument to be made that he’s the cutest television character of all time, point blank period. But like anything capable of thought and emotion, baby Yoda has his good days and bad days.

It’s pretty rare to see baby Yoda in a state of rage, but it does happen every so often. There are thousands of baby Yoda memes out there in the big wide world of the internet, but here are 10 baby Yoda memes that are dedicated to the angrier, more prickly side of this nameless, adorable green blob.

A Middle Aged Baby

What is so very awkward about this meme though, is that this is a pretty accurate representation of children. They know they’re children, we know they’re children, but if you call them children, they get enraged.

Baby Yoda at least has a leg to stand on here though. Yes, he’s a baby, but he’s 50 years old. He has superpowers. And there is a less than 0% chance that he has already murdered a person. So perhaps everyone should put a little more respect on his (as yet nonexistent) name.

The Revenge You Want Will Be Yours In Time

Baby Yoda remembers. Or does he? Baby Yoda does seem to be a tad spiteful, and he’s protective over his new daddy to be sure, but also, he’s 50 years old.

Mando picked him up in some planet in the middle of nowhere and killed all of his former guardians, but what’s weird is that baby Yoda seems to not remember them, or not be particularly bothered by their murder. Maybe they were jerks, but still, savage.

Let Him Finish

Since baby Yoda can’t actually talk, the validity of this meme should be called into question. However, we all know what it’s like to have someone cut us off in the middle of a statement, and frankly they’re all lucky that most people don’t have the power to Force choke someone.

We all know that baby Yoda is far more aggro than the average baby, so we can only wait and see how much more ragey he’s going to get once he can actually talk, and once people can actually interrupt him.

Force Power

When we can see what happens to a baby that is powerful in the Force who hasn’t been trained to control themselves or be a fundamentally good person yet, it’s easy to understand why the Jedi order was reluctant to take on a student like Anakin.

It’ll be interesting to see if the same applies to baby Yoda, since he has already learned to use his powers for attempted murder (just as any baby probably would until they learned the basics of sentient being morality).

Left Behind

Look, on some fundamental level we all understand that different kinds of food takes a different amount of time, and food orders can come up in wonky ways for dozens of different completely valid reasons.

But with that said, there is also something fundamentally enraging about seeing someone that you know came into a restaurant after you getting their food before you, even if you ordered a well done steak and they ordered a salad.

Battle Strategy

Some might call this the chicken’s way of handling a fight, and others might call it the smart person’s way of handling a fight. But either way, there is something incredibly satisfying about squaring up against a squad of pixelated enemies and watching one of your teammates take them out one by one while you don’t have to lift (or press) a finger.

And in the case of baby Yoda and Mando, clearly one of them is more equipped to be sniping Jawas from a hundred yards away than the other.

Lack Of Love

Well if lack of snuggles is the path to the dark side, then it’s safe to assume that baby Yoda will be the lightest Force user to ever live. If anything, he’s probably lucky that he wound up in the care of someone like Mando.

Anyone with an average reaction to the cutest cutie to ever cute would probably never be able to keep their hands off him, at least with Din Djarin baby Yoda will have some moments to breathe.

Expectation Vs. Reality

To be frank, neither of these visages are particularly threatening, but at least old Yoda has an air of intimidation that baby Yoda would never be capable of.

But maybe there’s a lesson to be learned here. Yes, old Yoda is the scarier looking of the two, but baby Yoda is still just a baby and has already pulled classic Vader moves like choking out anyone who is pissing him off. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but perhaps fear is in the eye of the beholder too.

Meta Meme-ing

You may take our GIFs Disney, but you’ll never take our freedom. In this new spin on a classic meme format, famed director and The Mandalorian baddie Werner Herzog plays the role of Taylor Armstrong, while baby Yoda takes on the gig of the perturbed cat eating vegetables.

But Disney only has itself to blame for this scenario. They created baby Yoda, and it’s only baby Yoda’s cuteness that took the control over their creation out of their own hands and into the hands of the people.

Paying The Price

There are few things in this world that are more irritating than shelling out your hard earned money on something you desperately desire, only to find that the price of that something has been drastically reduced mere moments after you finally had it in your grasp.

Sure, baby Yoda is enraged over a game in this particular circumstance, but this is an experience that can be applied to anything and a feeling that has been felt by almost everyone.