A new year, a new decade approaches, and it’s time to take stock. Resolutions are hard to come up with, though they are often even harder to stick to. Maybe by not just making resolutions but connecting them to people we respect, we will be more likely to succeed because we are more frightened to fail.

What better way to tackle the challenges of the new year than by taking some words of advice from some already wise people. Maybe you didn’t trust your high school math teacher, but here are a few resolutions inspired by the ever-brilliant Hogwarts professors who we all know and love.

Hagrid - Spend More Time With Animals

These days stress is on the rise. How can everyone take a little bit of a break in the coming year? Take a note from Professor Hagrid and spend some more time with animals of all sizes. Hagrid isn’t just about teaching about animals, he also lives with them. What could make a better new year than adopting your own dog? Probably nothing. Not a dog person? Consider a bowtruckle, a pygmy puff, or even a toad. Not everyone has to be a pet owner, go out and volunteer. Maybe it won’t be with dragons, but sometimes it’s less stressful when animals can’t breathe fire.

Madam Hooch - Try A New Sport

Madam Hooch for those who don’t recognize the name is the Hogwarts flying instructor. She is also the Quidditch referee. She’s very focused on a single sport, but that’s not her fault because so is the Wizarding World. It’s great to know the ins and outs and intricacies of a sport to the very last detail but this year everyone should take that focus and spread the love around a little bit more. Try a new sport (Dean Thomas would suggest Madam Hooch look into Soccer) and learn something new in the new year.

Moody - Stay Vigilant

Mad Eye Moody could have taken his own advice in Harry Potter book four so this may be one of the more useful resolutions on the list. Don’t wait until it’s too late to resolve to be more vigilant. Everyone can benefit from paying a little more attention to the people and the world around them in the new decade. Trust the Professor who already lost a limb, follow his advice and not his example. Don’t let someone steal your identity (magically or otherwise). “Constant vigilance!”

Sprout - Spend More Time Outdoors

If you don’t play Quidditch, Hogwarts students seem to spend very little time outdoors. They don’t start taking Care of Magical Creatures until their third year. Even Professor Sprout’s Herbology classes take place in the greenhouses.

But Sprout’s love of nature should inspire everyone to make a plan to spend more time in the outdoors this year. Hogwarts is home to immense grounds, including a lake and forest, and everyone should take advantage of the opportunities that surround them in 2020.

Binns - Stay Motivated

Professor Binns, teacher of Magical History, didn’t even let his own death get in the way of him doing his job. He is the one and only ghost Professor at Hogwarts School. Despite the way he bores his students into stupor you can’t fault his persistence. If everyone was as dedicated as Binns who would need time off for the holidays?

We are certainly not resolving to take less time off in the new year, but stay motivated in whatever you do. Just try to find a little more joy in it than Professor Binns does.

Trelawney - Let Your Freak Flag Fly

Some would think there isn’t much worth emulating when looking at Professor Trelawney. She is not the most reliable as a human being or as a seer. She is not the clearest in terms of teaching. And she’s not too popular with staff or students. But, let us all appreciate how none of this bothers her. Professor Trelawny does not adjust her teaching style, her outfits, or her beliefs for anyone. She lets her freak flag fly and doesn’t care who knows it. She speaks her mind (prophetic and otherwise) and she decorates herself and her classroom with a clear style. Let us all resolve to be our true selves.

McGonagall - Stay On Top Of Your To-Do List

Don’t let the things you forgot this year turn in to regrets in the new year. If any Hogwarts professor is known for being on top of her work and her students it’s Gryffindor head of house Professor McGonagall. This is a woman who doesn’t fall behind whether in her paperwork or her spell work. Resolve this year to make a to-do list and keep on top of it. Follow in McGonagall’s footsteps. Be punctual, be proactive, work hard. You know what you need to do and what you want to do. Get it done by emulating the Deputy Headmistress.

Lupin - Eat More Chocolate

Some new year’s resolutions should be about having more fun. Not everything has to be serious in 2020, or what’s the point in making it all the way through? Who could use more fun than Professor Lupin? He could take his own advice to eat more chocolate and he would feel better. He makes that claim in the movies and he’s certainly someone we trust. So eat more chocolate than you did last year because you deserve it.

Snape - Let Go Of The Past

There are a lot of things no one should emulate when it comes to Snape. He’s grouchy, he’s a bully, he doesn’t really have any friends. But maybe we can resolve not to be like Snape in 2020. This coming year let go of the small things. Don’t let the past drag you down (obsessively). Don’t miss out on experiences, relationships, and happiness because you can’t see the future because of your past. Learn to let it go (unlike Severus) before it’s too late.

Dumbledore - Savor The Little Things

Dumbledore in the books is known for his love of lemon drops, his wish for Christmas socks, and his love of animals (hello Fawkes). He’s not all about his achievements and awards. He really wishes he had taken more time with his family. Savor the small things this coming year. Enjoy your favorite candy, Netflix and chill with a sibling, wear your pajamas all Saturday. The options are out there. Resolve to find happiness in the smaller things this year.