It’s that time of the year again! Time to sit down and create a bunch of New Years Resolutions for ourselves. For all of the Ravenclaws out there, that likely means a list of very difficult to achieve goals and list items – trust us, we get it.

The Harry Potter fans who consider themselves part of Ravenclaw may be a bunch of overachievers, but they really do mean the best. They believe in bettering themselves through reading and knowledge. We could launch into an argument about how they deserve more screen time, but instead, let’s just talk about ten brilliant New Years Resolutions inspired by our beloved Ravenclaws.

Read More Books

Many a Ravenclaw likely has a massive list of books – one so large that they realistically can probably never read. But don’t let that discourage you! Instead, make a promise to yourself to try and get more reading done during the next year.

You can make more time in your life to read in a variety of ways – but since we’re talking about Ravenclaws here, a lot of those tricks are probably common knowledge! Still, we respect any fellow Ravenclaw who is going to challenge them to read even one more book than last year. Read on.

Learn Something New Every Day

Knowledge is power. Power is knowledge. You never know when a fact will come in handy, be it something that may say your life (think about how many times Hermione’s knowledge saved the day) or just the chance to win a trivia contest.

Do your best to learn something new every day. It doesn’t need to be groundbreaking. Nor does it need to be anything major. We don’t expect you to go out and learn a new language in a day (though if you did, we’d be seriously impressed). Just the act of seeking out knowledge can be enough.

Solve a New Riddle

In order to enter the Ravenclaw common room, students must first solve a riddle. Think about how many riddles the average Ravenclaw student solves in any given year. Those numbers might not be realistic for must of us, but we see no reason not to put in the effort.

So try your best to seek out new puzzles and riddles – push your mind to the limits, think outside the box, do everything and anything to get that brilliant mind of yours going. That’s the Ravenclaw way, after all.

Learn a New Language

Another worthwhile goal for any Ravenclaw out there: try learning a new language. Any language – dead or living, signed or spoken. We love it all, and we respect any attempts to learn something such as this.

There are plenty of apps and language courses out there these days, so starting the process of learning a new language is a whole lot less intimidating than it used to be. Best of luck!

As an added bonus, knowing more languages opens up the opportunity to read even more books! So there’s that. Though realistically, you probably didn’t need that encouragement.

Try Something New

Ravenclaws may not be highly represented in the novels or movies, which we think is a shame. That being said, we totally have to admit that sometimes we have a tendency to closet ourselves away and focus on our studies and passions.

So this year, go out there and try something new. It doesn’t matter what it is, just so long as it breaks your daily patterns. If it gets you outside of your comfort zone, even better. We trust you to know your own limits here.

Stop Trying to Justify Your Passions

Sit down, everyone. We’re going to say something that everyone needs to hear (but perhaps especially the Ravenclaws in the room). It’s okay to have hobbies and passions. You don’t need to justify them to anyone.

If somebody judges you for liking books, comics, Harry Potter, or anything else, it is totally acceptable to just walk away from them. You don’t need to argue your point – because those are the sort of people who will never respect others anyway. So don’t even try. Instead, find people who share your interests, or at least respect you enough as a human being to not judge you for what you love.

Start Writing That Book

Have you been sitting on a brilliant novel idea for months or years? If so, sit down and start writing that book! We want to read it! Seriously, we can’t read that book if you never write it. Getting started may be intimidating and scary, but you have to start somewhere.

Not everyone out there is looking to write a novel, and that’s okay. You can personalize this resolution as you see fit. Have you been meaning to start painting? Running? Knitting? Or anything in between? Get started! Stressing yourself before diving into it isn’t going to help anyone, least of all you. We know you can do it.

Be More Creative

Almost everyone out there needs a creative outlet – though the definition can change from person to person. No matter what you do get express yourself, make it a goal to be a bit more creative in the new year.

Learn calligraphy (think of all the pretty bookmarks you could mark!), learn how to knit (cozy blankets for winter reading!), anything!

Be A Better Listener

It’s so easy to get caught up in what you’re working on (or reading). And admittedly, Ravenclaws may not be the best at social interactions. So this year, make a concentrated effort to try and listen better.

Being a better listener makes you a better friend, and we can always use good and loyal friends in your life (try making a Slytherin friend, for example: they’ll destroy anybody who dares hurt you).

Be More Social

It’s time to face the truth: while not all Ravenclaws are introverts, an awful lot of us are. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We’re not telling you to change your life or to make yourself extremely uncomfortable. But maybe just try to make a new friend or two.

Say hi to the nice person who makes your coffee, talk books with your fellow nerds and libraries. Baby steps.