If you want to generate standard lorem ipsum, you can generate it in Word or from various websites. “Standard” is so boring though, especially when the original text is taken from a 1st-century Roman orator. Mix things up a bit with some lorem ipsum that’s a bit more….modern.

Cat Ipsum

Nothing is more on brand—at least on the internet—than cats. We love the little fluffballs, even when they’re just words on a page.

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Dog Ipsum

We straddle the line when it comes to cats and dogs, we’re fond of them both. But if you veer towards the doggos of this world, here’s the generator for you.

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Pirate Ipsum

Want to fill your page with a bit of Blackbeard? Or more accurately, why wouldn’t you want to fill your page with a bit of Blackbeard? Yarr, matey!

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Bacon Ipsum

Bacon, the food that was invented to make people regret vegetarianism. And now it’s available in text format!

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Veggie Ipsum

We’re only kidding about regretting vegetarianism. If that’s your thing, then you go for it. And to help you, here’s some veggie-inspired filler. Mmm, broccoli!

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Cheese Ipsum

Something we can all agree on, apart from people with dairy-intolerance, is that cheese is Gouda on everything. But use it Caerphilly; it can Brie fattening.

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Office Ipsum

Tasked with conceptualizing your office’s blue skies vertical integration? This is just the low-hanging fruit you need to drive your value proposition going forward.

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If you’re looking for something unreadable, even when it’s genuine, you can’t do better than some legal text.

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Hipster Ipsum

Fancy your Ipsum with a side order of lumberjack shirts, beards, and full sleeve tattoos? Plonk this in your hipster man bag before you’ve even had that first sip of cold brew coffee.

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Zombie Ipsum

Braaains! Well, teeeeext, at any rate. Have some slow-moving, undead filler for all your post-apocalyptic scribbling.

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