While Outlander fans are eagerly awaiting the return of the time-traveling show, we’re taking a look at one of the most beautiful ways to show off devoting to a fandom - beautiful tattoos. While some people may choose to go for a fandom tattoo a  little more obvious, these people have shown their love for the series (book and TV show) with quotes and images that aren’t immediately obvious as fandom art.

Someone who hasn’t yet fallen in love with the world of Claire and Jamie Fraser may look at these and think that they are just beautiful tattoos - but devoted fans will immediately recognize them for paying homage to this world.

Dinna Fash

At a glance, this tattoo (by BrittMilesTattoo) just looks like some gorgeous flowers and strawberries - but as Outlander fans know, strawberries are the emblem of the Fraser clan. In ‘Drums of Autumn’, Jamie tells Claire that that’s actually where the name comes from “Strawberries ha’ always been the emblem of the clan - it’s what the name meant, to start with, when a Monsieur Fresiliere came across from France wi’ King William that was - and took hold of land in the Scottish mountains for his trouble.” And of course, the tattoo is completed with some of Jamie’s best advice - “Dinna Fash”.

Je Suis Prest

Another Fraser clan homage in this simple tattoo, which says ‘Je Suis Prest’. This is the motto of Clan Fraser, and is French for ‘I Am Ready’ - which means that it is not just a wonderful simple reference to the series, but a good reminder for life. It’s also worth noting, for anyone who is a fan of finding spelling mistakes in tattoos, that the modern French spelling of ‘I am ready’ would be ‘je suis prêt’, but the ‘prest’ is correct to the spelling used in the time period that the Fraser clan took this motto.

You Need A Stone

This colorful piece by BuntLandInk combines multiple Outlander elements in a single piece. The centerpiece is the stones themselves, where Claire first crosses over into the past. Surrounding this is a series of gemstones, which are needed in order to safely travel through portals like the stones, and the piece is completed with a Fraser reference - the motto ‘Je Suis Prest’ and the Fraser tartan.


Hannah Jones Tattoos shows off this classic Americana take on a Scottish theme, and it works beautifully. The flowers include the thistle and the English tea rose - a beautiful combination to match the Scottish Jamie Fraser and his English wife.

As an added touch, and to make this even more Outlander-specific, the tattoo also includes the word ‘Sassenach’, a term that refers to an English person, but which becomes a term of endearment between Jamie and Claire in the series.

Dragonfly In Amber

The second book in the Outlander series (and an episode of the show) is titled ‘Dragonfly in Amber’, with the dragonfly representing Claire and Jamie’s own relationship - preserved, through time. This tattoo showcases the dragonfly in amber, as well as including other symbols from the show, to create something beautiful and colorful, as well as meaningful to fans.

The Fraser Stag

From a distance, this gorgeous piece (again by BuntLandTattoo) would look just like a stag - but Outlander fans know that there is more to it than that. The stag is prominently featured in the crest of the Fraser clan, which is why it forms the centerpiece of this tattoo.

The artwork also includes the Fraser motto (je suis prest) at the bottom, with a fleur de lis (to represent Claire and Jamie’s French connection), and the standing stones in the background.

Time Is Everything

This tattoo (Anchor and Rose Tattoo) combines multiple Outlander elements, keeping time travel front and center. A clock and dragonfly in amber are two halves of the circle, with a sword dividing them - presumably a reference to bot the actual battles in the series, and the division of time that the couple goes through. Around the edges are the Fraser strawberries, of course, which even have a fantastic shadow detail to make them look like they are floating almost above the skin.

A Simpler Stag

While the full stag’s head piece shown above is stunning, not everyone wants to get such a large or intricate piece - and this fine line tattoo by Fauman Tattoo is a wonderfully simple alternative. Rather than a full stag’s head, only the antlers are outlined in black, with ‘je suis prest’ underneath. It’s simple without being basic, and is a wonderfully subtle tribute to the Frasers and the show.

Not All Dragonflies Are In Amber

While the dragonfly in amber is more of a direct reference to the series, this dragonfly alone is also a fantastic way to show love for Outlander… without having to be too specific.

Anyone who doesn’t know the series would just assume that this person happens to really like dragonflies, but fans know that this is an extremely subtle nod to the name of the second book.

Flash Sheet Options

Finally, we have a beautiful set of Outlander-themed flash, from Ancient Indigo Tattoos. Clearly, the artist themselves is such an Outlander fan that they just can’t wait for someone to come asking for a design, and we love to see how the artist has included Outlander elements in designs that aren’t obviously fandom-themed. The Scottish thistle is a simple reference to the main setting, while the ‘witch’s curse’ is a reference to Geillis Duncan (and to Claire’s own experiences being mistaken for a witch, thanks to her medical knowledge!). A crystal is a reference to the stones needed to travel through time, while the final design is probably the most obviously Outlander-related, as it is a kilt pin with the Fraser clan stag prominently featured.