Gilmore Girls was all about Lorelai and her daughter Rory, two leading ladies who ate junk food while watching classic flicks, drank copious amounts of coffee, lived in the quaintest and quirkiest little town and had several notable relationships over the years.

Some of these relationships were clearly not meant to be. Others seemed too good to be true. And all of them, the good and the bad and everything in between, taught some very valuable lessons to the characters and to viewers, as well. That being said, here are 10 pieces of relationship advice from this popular TV show. 

Dating Is Hard 

A lot of frogs had to be kissed before anyone good came along, and in between relationships, more frogs were kissed! It is just part of life. Dating is hard.

Rory was young and shy when she first started. Lorelai was her usual talkative and feisty self when men hit on her or vice versa. And watching them go through the highs and lows of dating surely made fans feel better: It is going to be awkward for everyone… until something is found that sticks!

First Loves Are Special 

When something does stick for the first time ever, it is truly like nothing else. The butterflies in the stomach… all the firsts that get to be shared together… just look at Rory and Dean or Chris and Lorelai! These couples may have not ended up together forever, but they will always have a bond. 

Rory landed the best first boyfriend ever, and Lorelai and Chris have a really neat bond; they share Rory, and they know each other better than most. So while it is not happily ever after, it is something full of nice memories and a lasting impression.

The Heart Wants What It Wants

Sometimes, people are drawn to someone, and they don’t know why. It can’t be explained. The heart simply wants what it wants. No one else may get it. Certain loved ones may be totally against it. But, for instance, when Jess came into town, Rory knew she liked him. It turned out that they had quite a bit in common, and some fans are still #TeamJess to this day.

Just remember Lorelai’s wise words on this topic: “If you’re going to throw your life away, he’d better have a motorcycle.”

In Omnia Paratus

While dealing with the dating scene and when settling in with someone special, there is something else from this show to remember: In omnia paratus, which translates to ready for anything. This was a phrase Rory learned while hanging out with Logan and his friends, and it fits their relationship well. He was well-off and adventurous, so their time together involved jumping off of tall things and taking spur-of-the-moment trips.

While some may be afraid of heights or unable to travel, the message is the same. Have fun. Let loose. Shake it up. 

Find The Right Balance

A great piece of advice, no matter what the relationship, would be to find balance. Without it, things can fall apart quickly. Dean and Rory loved each other, but Rory was scared to say it back to him. Jackson wanted four kids in four years, but Sookie was not sure about those numbers. Luke always had a crush on Lorelai, but he took awhile to make a real and true move.

In all of these examples, balance would have and could have helped. Meet them in the middle. Talk it out. And find what works.  

Don’t Force It 

On top of that, though, do not force it. It may seem like something is meant to be, but if squishing and jamming is required, it may not actually be the right thing to do. 

When it comes to Lorelai and Chris, in particular, there were several moments over the course of the series where these two reunited. They had that spark. They thought it was their time. But things always came up or got in the way. It was never forced, they went their separate ways, and Lorelai ended up with Mr. Right instead. 

Think Before Acting

Here is something else that is good for all to hear: Think before acting. Of course, this is sometimes easier said than done, especially when on the topic of love. 

Should Rory have slept with a married Dean? No. Should Lorelai have called Chris from her bachelorette party? Probably not. Should Rory have slept with that furry? Maybe not. While everything may have ended up as it should be, thought before actions is always a plus. 


A very memorable moment came after Rory experienced her first breakup: Lorelai encouraged her to put on her PJs, sit in front of the TV with a sappy movie and eat ice cream, but Rory had a to-do list to keep her busy. However, after kissing Tristan, it all came pouring out and in, and she realized something… She was ready to wallow.

After breaking up, a person may not feel like wallowing, but it is a necessary step. It is cathartic. And it is a good excuse to stay in comfy clothes and in one position and very full of sweets.

Worth The Wait

So, as many know from life and from this series, romance is full of good times and bad times. In the end, though, after all is said and done, true love is worth the wait… just look at Luke and Lorelai!

These two would have done anything for each other, and all of their biggest moments were shared together. After watching the other person date numerous frogs, it was finally their time, and they had the sweetest Stars Hollow ceremony ever. 

There Are Always Cats

But what if there is no true love? What if I’m done waiting? What if my time never comes? Well, there will always be cats.

One time, when Paris and Rory were talking, Paris asked similar questions, such as what if a boy didn’t like her and what if there was no one else out there for her? Rory’s response? “Then you’ll buy some cats.”