Pixar has been creatively bringing us new stories, worlds, and characters since the 90s, and we love seeing inside the imaginations of those at Pixar Studios. We’ve seen cars that can talk, rats that can help humans cook, and toys that can come to life when nobody is looking.

While Pixar movies provide us with plenty of entertainment, sometimes they leave us wondering how and why? We need more information about various characters, situations, and how things work to be satisfied and feel that we truly know everything about Pixar and its films. Here are ten questions that we have about everyone’s favorite animation studio:

Where Is Andy’s Dad?

We all love the toys from Toy Story and their original owner Andy, but we can’t help but be curious - where is Andy’s dad? We see his mom raise Andy and his sister Molly as a single parent, but his dad is never mentioned. Are they divorced? Did he pass away? Did Andy’s mom use a sperm donor or do a single adoption? Several years ago, a possible answer came out after an interview with a man who was friends with one of the movie developers, Joe Ranft, but another Pixar employee, Andrew Stanton, said that it was all fake. Looks like we’ll never know for sure!

What Happened To The Bugs From A Bug’s Life?

A Bug’s Life came out in 1998 when we watched a young ant befriend a group of circus bugs and outsmart a mean bunch of grasshoppers. And then… nothing. They all lived happily ever after, maybe? Fans have been wanting a sequel to this buggy film since Toy Story 2 when we found out that Pixar updates are possible.

When will we find out about what happened to Flik and the gang? Do he and Adda get together? Do the circus bugs ever come back for a visit? Does Dot get a chance to be queen? Come on, Pixar!

What Is Boo’s Life Like?

When a door gets left open in Monsters Inc, a tiny human toddles into the Monster World, and Sulley decides to call her Boo. From there, we have had dozens of questions. Some observant fans have answered one; we see on some pictures she has drawn that her real name is Mary, but we still know almost nothing about her! How old is she? Does she have siblings? Do they have monsters? Does she grow up remembering Sulley and Mike? We hoped to find out the answers to some of these questions with a sequel, but instead, we got Monsters University (which we still loved!).

How Did Dory Lose Her Memory?

Dory’s memory loss provides a bit of comedy in Finding Nemo, and in Finding Dory, it drives the main plot as she slowly starts to remember things about her past. One thing we never find out though is how she developed her short term memory loss in the first place. In the first movie, she says she thinks it runs in her family, and in the second movie, we see that she’s struggled with her memory since she was very young. Perhaps Pixar was just poking fun at the myth that fish only have a memory of a few seconds.

How Did The Incredibles Get Their Powers?

We all know that the family from The Incredibles has powers from super strength to super speed, but what’s lacking from this hero movie is an origin story. Where did their superpowers come from?

Did they happen to be born with these freaky abilities? Were select humans specifically bred to have powers? Did they all get bit by radioactive creatures? Is the government somehow involved? Director Brad Bird has no idea, so unless he and other Pixar workers brainstorm an Incredibles 3, we probably will never know the answer.

Where Do Cars Come From?

There have been debates among fans as to whether or not cars in the Cars franchise can be considered alive, but for all intents and purposes, we are assuming that they are. They have eyes, mouths, physical awareness, wants and needs, and they can talk. This makes us ask, if cars are alive, where do they come from? Do they get built, like in real life? We haven’t seen any humans in the Cars Universe, so do cars build other cars? Do cars have romantic relations that result in baby cars? Maybe we’re better off not knowing…

How Does Remy Control Linguini?

In Ratatouille, Remy sits on Linguini’s head, tugs on different strands of the man’s hair, and suddenly, Linguini’s arms move. But… how? We all know that humans are not actually puppets and that hairs on our heads are not controls for the rest of our body. If it works this way in this particular situation, could it work in other instances? Could a human control another human by tugging their hair in a specific pattern? Could any animal control a human in this fashion? Are the humans in Ratatouille just steps away from living in a world where they are controlled by rodents? We demand to see the physics and biology behind this one.

Why Are Riley’s Emotions Multi Gendered?

Inside Out mainly takes place inside the mind of a young girl named Riley, but we also gained a glimpse into some other characters’ heads. Everyone appears to have five emotions - Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Disgust, but one other thing that we notice is that other people’s emotions all seem to be the same gender. Mom’s are all female, and Dad’s are all male. However, this is not the case in Riley’s head. Why is that?

Some fans theorize that emotions start different and then all take on the person’s gender when they reach puberty. Others think that maybe Riley is gender non-binary - that is, she doesn’t feel like a girl or a boy. Most likely, Pixar just wanted to have a mix of characters for the film.

What Is Spot’s Real Name?

In The Good Dinosaur, a dino named Arlo finds a young human while out alone. Not being able to speak the same language, Arlo can’t ask the boy’s name, so he gives the child the name Spot. Spot seems to respond to this name, so it sticks. After finding out Boo’s real name in Monster’s Inc, we want to know Spot’s too! Not only that, but we have questions about his life both before and after meeting Arlo, especially because humans and dinosaurs aren’t known to have coexisted in real life. Had he ever seen a dinosaur before? Does he share his adventures with his family once they are reunited? And just what is his real name?!

How Is Forky Alive?

In Toy Story 4, we are introduced to a character named Forky, a spork that has googly eyes, pipe cleaner arms, and popsicle sticks for feet. While he is not a traditional toy, he still comes to life like Woody and the gang. We don’t really understand how toys themselves come alive, but it is thought that Forky comes to life after Bonnie starts playing with him. However, this poses the question, can a child bring anything to life by playing with it? Babies and young children are very curious and have wonderful imaginations - they will play with almost anything. Do kids possess the magical ability to just bring ordinary objects to life?