The time has finally come. The wait is almost over. Deadpoolis right around the corner and excitement from comic book fans and moviegoers is palpable. A film that, only a few years ago, seemed like a complete fantasy, has finally - in large part due to the fans - become a reality.

The Merc with the Mouth is hitting the big screen in a matter of days, and moviegoers will finally be able to decide if all of the hype is warranted. There have been plenty of rumors and theories flying around for months now, and while some have been shot down, others remain up in the air. Many questions have been answered, while more have been simultaneously raised: What is Deadpool’s role in the X-Men universe going to be? Are we going to see cameos from other X-Men characters in this film, and is this movie even going to be any good? We take a crack at all of the Deadpool-related speculation on this list and give our best guess to what fans and moviegoers will see (really soon) on the big screen.

Here are our 10 Predictions for Deadpool. 

10. X-Force Setup

It should come as no surprise to comic book movie fans that 20th Century Fox is looking for the next big character to take up the mantle and fill the void left by Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine. With the announcement from Jackman himself that he is hanging up the claws after his next solo film, both new and old characters alike are left to pick up the slack left by the one man who has been the centerpiece for the X-Men universe thus far.

With lead actor and producer Ryan Reynolds already expressing interest in the X-Force and the possibility of seeing that team of mutants on the big screen, it seems like an obvious choice for the studio to make (assuming that the Deadpool film is actually good). With the fate of the X-Men cinematic universe up in the air, it may be prime time to say hello to a new brand of mutants fighting alongside one of the most popular new characters, Deadpool.

9. Cable Will Make an Appearance

Cable’s appearance pretty much goes hand in hand with the setup of the X-Force. For those readers unaware of Cable, he is a Marvel character that was introduced to comic fans back in the late 1980s. He is most famous for the reorganization of the New Mutants and the resulting formation of the X-Force.

As the leader of the X-Force, Cable heads a team of New Mutants to join forces with fan favorites, such as Wolverine and Cyclops to fight against evil mutants like Apocalypse. While we are not predicting a X-Force presence in the upcoming summer blockbuster, X-Men: Apocalypse, it is possible that we will see the early formation of the alternate X-Men team in the upcoming Deadpool film.

8. Deadpool’s “Multiple Voices”

For those of you more unfamiliar with the Deadpool comic stories, his “multiple voices” are a reference to the characters unstable personality. While every iteration of the Merc with the Mouth does not contain his multiple voices, though it has been an increasingly more common occurrence inside the comics and was even featured in the most recent video game.

Due to all of the unorthodox medical treatment that Wade has received, he has become exponentially more mentally unstable. On most occasions, Deadpool’s “multiple voices” is used for comedic effect, and not to necessarily add depth to the character. If the “multiple voices” make an appearance in some form during this film, we believe it will be for humor’s sake in some sort of fourth wall breaking excursion of hilarity.

7. Colossus Will Play a Key Role

“Colossus will play a key role” could literally mean just about anything, but to be more specific, we believe that Colossus will be key in turning Deadpool off of joining the X-Men. Deadpool is infamous for being a mercenary who is neither a hero nor a villain. He does not have the same morality as most other characters in Marvel’s comics and thus, does not generally play by the same rules.

To keep this iteration of Deadpool relatively true to its comic book origins, he will need a reason not to team up with the X-Men - at least not right away. The most obvious answer for Deadpool not linking arms with his fellow mutants and fighting the forces of evil at the side of Professor X and the rest of the gang is this: Deadpool and Colossus are bound to butt heads throughout the film. It has already been seen to a certain extent in the trailers, and we are likely to see more of the conflict when the film finally hits theaters.

6. Shots Will Be Fired at DC/Warner Bros. and Marvel Studios

With Deadpool being the fourth wall breaking, smart mouth character that we know him to be, it should come as no surprise to anyone that we believe he will take shots at some of the other studios, and more specifically, other comic book films.

Superhero movies are at the forefront of popular culture right now, and Deadpool is the self-aware, meta character that can reference and poke fun of the state of the industry, the other studios producing these films, and even 20th Century Fox itself. If the marketing up to this point is any indication, it should be assumed that no one in the industry, or the genre, is safe from mockery while Deadpool is around.

5. Deadpool Will Turn a Profit in Its Opening Weekend

With only a $40 million budget, it is a fairly safe assumption that the Deadpool movie will turn a profit during its opening weekend judging by the state of superhero films these days. It is an even safer assumption when considering the positive buzz that this film is receiving, but this sense of security was not always the case for the financial outlook of this movie.

Many inside the industry earlier speculated that Deadpool would be a financial bust for 20th Century Fox. With their last superhero film, Fantastic 4, being the massive disappointment that it was, and with Deadpool announcing that it would carry a R-rating, it was not ridiculous to think that the film would struggle. As we quickly approach the release of this highly anticipated movie, it appears as though projections for it are much higher than originally anticipated, leading us to believe that this film will be a great financial success for the studio.

4. X-Men Origins: Wolverine Will be Referenced

The marketing for this film has already referenced the franchise’s mishandling of the character several times in the past year, so it is probably a safe bet that moviegoers will see a shot or two aimed at Deadpool’s portrayal in X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

It may be low hanging fruit, but it is Deadpool, and it would not feel right if the character did not make some fourth wall breaking stunt teasing the studio, perhaps the X-Men franchise, and the character’s mistreatment in this earlier film.

3. Wolverine Will Make a Cameo

It is certainly possible that the reference to X-Men Origins: Wolverine will accompanied by a special guest appearance by a fan favorite X-Men character, Wolverine. Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine is widely regarded as one of the best superhero casting decisions ever, and his appearance in any film in the universe would be a welcome treat for fans of the franchise.

It has been speculated for months now that Hugh Jackman’s Wolverine would repay the favor by crashing the Deadpool film. Both Jackman and Ryan Reynolds have been questioned about this very subject, and while neither have confirmed the cameo, both have played very coy about the possibility.

2. The Best Jokes are Yet to Come!

With comedies, the biggest fear by moviegoers is that most of the good gags will be spoiled in the trailer for the film. With Deadpool, we do not believe this to be the case. If the marketing team has been any indication thus far, there are plenty of good jokes to go around.

The humor may be too crude for some audiences, but the tone of the marketing and the two trailers should be some indication of the film that moviegoers should expect. Deadpool is a foul-mouthed, ultra-violent character who is not suited for everyone, but for those who fall in line with his brand of humor should be confident that plenty of hilarious and witty gags have yet to be revealed.

1. The Movie Will Be Praised by Fans and Critics

While the film may not be for everyone, we think that the majority of fans and critics will come away with positive feelings about this movie. All of the statements being made by both the studio as well as the star of the film, Ryan Reynolds, appear to be in line with a faithful and fun interpretation of the Deadpool character.

Reynolds seems to be having the time of his life playing the character, and the fit between actor and role appears to be a perfect match. The marketing for the movie is incredibly on point and hilarious to the point that the studio should really consider gathering every bit of it for the bonus features section of their Blu-ray and DVD releases. Fans have been craving a good superhero flick for months now and have been a bit underwhelmed with the last couple titles that the genre has offered. Deadpool promises a unique spin and a new flavor among this year’s crowded line up of comic book films.


Do you agree with our predictions? What do you think we will see in the upcoming Deadpool film? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.