We are sure that everyone is as sad as us to find out that Netflix has canceled Santa Clarita Diet, a show that was pretty much unlike anything else on the television at the moment. One of the most annoying things about this cancellation is that the writers clearly put a lot of thought into the way they were going to unfold all of the narrative beats and twists throughout the show’s entirety, but now we’ve been left with loads of questions that will never be answered. We’ve decided to put together ten of the most pressing questions that we wish Santa Clarita Diet was coming back to answer for us!

What Does Mr. Ball Legs Do?

The show had teased us with the knowledge that the creepy little pet that is Mr. Ball Legs could do a little more than we were seeing on screen, what with it attacking somebody that was bothering Ramona, but all of the action happened off screen. Then, right at the end of the last episode, we see a Mr. Ball Legs jump right into Joel’s head through his ear, seemingly taking over his brain, before Joel collapses. In an attempt to stop him from possibly dying, Sheila bits him on the neck before he violently wakes up. Then the episode cuts out!

Is Joel A Zombie Now?

So, is Joel a zombie now?! If he is, then there’s a lot of questions to be asked about where Mr. Ball Legs has gone and what it actually did to Joel’s brain before Sheila turned him into a zombie. Will it just live inside of him now that he’s a zombie? Did the fact that there was a Mr. Ball Legs inside of Joel when he was bitten mean that the bite was counteracted in some way that hasn’t yet been explained? The more we think about the way they ended the last episode of the show, the more we end up with questions about what was coming next?

If He Is, How Will They Deal With Him Being A Knight Of Serbia?

Towards the end of the season, Joel had decided to become the local representative of the Knights Of Serbia, as he felt that it meant they would be safer as he could constantly put them off the scent of Sheila while pretending that there are no zombies in the area.

However, his job is going to be a lot more difficult once he’s walking around having to take out the living to deal with his blood lust. Plus, we don’t know how turning into a zombie is going to change his personality as well, meaning he might end up becoming a much more reckless sort of human being.

Will They Try And Turn Abby Against Her Parents?

We’ve already seen how much Abby loves getting involved in the life that surrounds her parents, no matter how much they don’t want her to, and this includes taking out zombies with the various weapons that the Knights Of Serbia have provided the family with. We know that she’s unlikely to turn against her parents, but if Joel starts to act odd now that he’s a zombie, will they be able to convince her to make the ultimate sacrifice and turn against her parents?

What Happens To Ramona?

Ever since Ramona entered into the show, she has seemed like an odd character, and it was amazing to watch the writers turn her into someone that was well worth watching. That being said, she has changed a lot by the end, and the last we saw of her she was nowhere near Sheila and Joel, while her Mr. Ball Legs had attacked a human. We want to know exactly what happened with the human being and whether Ramona will end up getting caught!

Will Eric And Abby End Up Together?


This has been a will-they-won’t-they sort of thing throughout the whole series, which we can understand and accept as they’re young characters, so it makes sense that they would struggle with this sort of thing. That being said, we want to know if the two of them will be able to sort out coming together in a real relationship while they’re both surrounded by so much drama, the sort of thing that no real life young couple would ever have to deal with!

What Happened To Anne?

Anne was a real struggle for Joel and Sheila to deal with at first, especially once she started telling everyone that Sheila was the second coming, but the last we saw of her she had decided to leave Santa Clarita and go on a spiritual journey.

We can only assume that the writers were planning on having her come back at some point in the next season, and if she finds out that Joel has also turned she may not be willing to accept the whole messiah concept so readily.

Where Did The Clams Come From?

Technically, we already know where the clams came from, but that doesn’t change the fact that we don’t really know why they exist or whether they’re actually dealt with at this point. It’s possible that the original clams and the history of the zombies and the Knights of Serbia had a lot more to them then we found out just yet.

Are There Any More Zombies?

We know for a fact that Sheila has helped create a new zombie and that one of them fooled Gary into biting him, so why isn’t it a possibility that there are more of them walking around at this point?

The Knights Of Serbia have been tasked with ensuring that any sort of zombie problem doesn’t spread across the world, but it doesn’t change the fact that we know they haven’t been very good at stopping them in Santa Clarita, so who knows if they missed any at this point. There may even be an entire zombie subculture waiting to be discovered!

Will Gary Strike Out On His Own?

Okay, so we know this may only be us, but we ended up really loving the character of Gary, his disembodied head bringing about a lot of laughter and fun, especially once the writers decided to make it possible for him to control Sheila and Joel’s new company. He mentioned in one of the episodes in the last series that he would just leave if the two of them weren’t able to offer him some sort of security and stability. Now that things have got even more mad in the world of Joel and Sheila, is there a chance that he will strike out on his own? If so, how?