Legion has never been the most straightforward TV show. Since it began three years ago, it’s inflicted a barrage of trippy imagery, musical numbers, and twisting story beats onto unsuspecting viewers. Not what most people were expecting from a show based on an X-Men character. But even accepting that the plot was never really the point, Legion’s time travel-filled finale left a lot of questions still hanging. Spoiler alert: Professor X’s son David was able to prevent the Shadow King Amahl Farouk from using his infant self as a host, and a whole new timeline was created. But that new timeline leaves so much still in the air.

These are 10 Questions The Legion Finale Never Answered

What Happened To The Loudermilks?

Cary and Kerry Loudermilk, the mutant siblings(?) that share a body, came to a very ambiguous end in the finale. To prevent Time Demons from getting to the baby David, the two fused together one last time. Having two “temporal signatures” in one body confused the demons.

This resulted in Kerry, the younger, rapidly aging until she was as old as Cary. After the action, Kerry seems at peace with this and she and Cary unfuse. That’s the last we see of them. Were they erased by the shifting timeline like older David and Syd? Or did they survive?

Are Oliver And Melanie Still On The Astral Plane?

Last we saw Jermaine Clement’s Oliver and Jean Smart’s Melanie they were raising Syd on the Astral Plane. Once they send her back to the real world, Oliver hints that they’ll regain their original forms. This actually ties into a flash forward we saw in the Season 2 finale, where they were living happily on the Astral Plane. Are they still there though? And if they did remain on the Astral Plane, were they affected by the changing timeline? Were they even aware of it?

Is Lenny Alive Again?

Part of the reason David becomes so okay with ending people’s lives in Season 3 is because he’s going to undo it all with time travel anyway. But some people didn’t die at his hands. Lenny, played by Aubrey Plaza, took her own life in the end.

She couldn’t cope with David’s selfishness after living the entire life of her child in an instant. But with the change in timeline, is Lenny alive again? Are all the people David finished? Did Lenny even meet David in this new timeline? We’ll never know.

Did The Older Farouk Disappear?

The biggest change to David’s plan in the finale is the appearance of the Farouk from his present. The same Farouk we’ve been dealing with for two seasons. This Farouk changes things by convincing the young Professor X to broker peace between David and the younger Shadow King. That peace is what causes the new timeline. Given that we later see the older David and Syd fade away, did the older Farouk fade as well? Or did he and his younger self get up to more mischief?

What Continuity Did This Even Take Place In?

It’s been an open question since Legion began what continuity it took place in. Was this in the X-Men Movie continuity? The MCU? Both? Neither? Heck, creator Noah Hawley said at times the whole thing could just be happening in David’s head.

Our first hint at Prof. X shows his wheelchair from the movies, but there don’t seem to be any X-Men running around. The finale’s change in timeline just makes the issue more confusing. It could be read as Xavier never forming the X-Men at all.

What Was The Minotaur?

One of the creepiest images of Legion season 2 was the Minotaur. A man in a weird doggy wheelchair with a massive bull’s head, we never got a clear look at it. Despite that, the Minotaur was built up as a huge threat. Some dark thing lurking in the back of the insane mind. And all that build-up came to nothing. We never got an answer to what the Minotaur was and it made no appearances in Season 3. But Legion never gives clear answers about anything.

What Is Switch?

Lauren Tsai’s Switch was Season 3’s major new character. A time-traveller, she became David’s key to going back to his past and undoing everything bad that happened to him. But Switch never really got the focus she deserved, which made the reveal in the finale stranger.

Turns out that Switch isn’t a mutant with time-travel powers like we thought. She’s actually the baby form of a fourth-dimensional being. There are a couple of beings like this in Marvel Comics, but none connected to the X-Men. So what is Switch and why were there no hints about this?

Is Ptonomy Still Alive?

It was never exactly clear what happened to Ptonomy. The mutant with perfect recall seemed to die in Season 2, only to be absorbed into Division 3’s computer network. When he turns up in Season 3, Cary has built him a new robot body and he seems to have been fully subsumed into the computer.

So, is Ptonomy still in there somewhere? Could he still escape? We last see his robot body it’s going into stasis during David’s attack on Division 3’s airship. Did he survive that? Or did he get un-roboted by the timeline change?

How Was David Going To Destroy The World?

Seasons Two and Three of Legion made a big deal about David turning evil and ending the world. It was actually the main catalyst for things in Season 2. But despite being so important, the show never gave a clear answer on how exactly he was going to destroy everything.

Season 3 implies that his attempts to meddle in the timeline is going to make things unravel, but it’s just implications. And the changes end up working out in the end. This sure is a vague apocalypse.

What Was That Button At The End?

If you stuck around through the credits, you’ll notice the last thing Legion shows audiences is a yellow button. Next to it are the instructions, “To play again, press button” Given how the series ended with David giving his infant self a chance at a better life than he had, it could just be a visual metaphor for that second chance. But with all the time-travel and reality warping in Legion, there could be more sinister implications. If the button is pushed, could the whole thing just start over again? Is this a loop? Or is it more like starting a new life in a video game?