It’s been a few years now since How I Met Your Mother’s final ever episode aired, but, ever since then, the everlasting impact of the show has been felt by all those who loved it. From the first season all the way through until the very last, it was pretty evident that this was a classic television show. In that time, we saw and heard a series of really entertaining quotes from every single main character, and we’re here to remember our ten favorite lines.

A few are obvious, but others prove quite clearly show just how emotional and thought-provoking HIMYM could be.

“Have You Met Ted?”

Four words that wound up playing such an important role in the development of both Barney and Ted in this show.

Ted always seemed to be quite reserved when it came to his dating approach, whereas Barney was the devil on his shoulder that wanted to get him out of his shell. Whether or not that worked on a consistent basis is another matter altogether, but, whenever this quote comes into play, you just know a cringeworthy interaction or two will be on the cards for Ted, Barney, or both.

“Suit Up!"

In the eyes of Barney Stinson, the art of a great suit can be the key to unlocking all things good in life. While that may be true in some business circles, Barney takes things to a whole new level in pretty much every episode.

His command of “suit up” is well known throughout the world of television, mainly because of his delivery, as well as his hundreds upon hundreds of suits. It highlights one thing that HIMYM is particularly good at: having long-running gags without allowing them to go out of style.

“I’m Not Ready For This”

When Marshall discovers that he can, in fact, have children, he hopes to celebrate with his wife Lily. Unfortunately, she arrives at MacLaren’s with some awful news: Marshall’s father has passed away. As is the case when anyone loses a loved one, Marshall can’t quite control his emotions and doesn’t really know which direction to turn in.

HIMYM was brave to attempt a story like this in the first place, but they wound up nailing it in a way that few probably could’ve anticipated they would when the news broke.

“What About The Pineapple?!”

Ah, the pineapple.

The pineapple incident is something that How I Met Your Mother fans all over the planet wanted an answer to, and one man who was determined to get that answer was none other than Marshall Eriksen. The intrigue of the situation had everyone hooked, with Trudy explaining what happened between herself and Ted. Eventually, when there was a moment of silence, Marshall demanded to know more about why there was a rogue pineapple in the bedroom.

It was hardly understated, and it served as proof that Marshall was one of the best comedy characters on TV.

“Robin Scherbatsky, Will You Marry Me?”

Everyone knew that Robin and Barney were perfect for one another, but it was never quite clear as to whether or not the show was going to pull the trigger on them getting together in a more permanent way.

Then, after the greatest play that Barney will ever run, he got down on one knee and proposed to Robin Scherbatsky—also known as the love of his life. It was iconic, and it was a true symbol of the rollercoaster ride these two characters had been on to get to that point.

“A Kid Needs A Hoop”

One element of day to day life that Barney really struggled with was the fact that his father wasn’t around. He didn’t even know who he was for many years, but, upon finding out that his ‘Uncle Jerry’ was actually his dad, he wanted to know more.

After not quite being able to take that next step with his old man, Barney took the basketball hoop from his father’s house and wound up at Ted’s new place. He offered it to his friend before uttering the words “a kid needs a hoop."

“I’m Glad You Guys Aren’t Real”

After an episode that seemed to confirm Robin would have children in the future, fans were shocked to learn that it was all a trick from the writers, as Robin confirmed she was unable to have kids.

It was a very real story that the show decided to tell, and, once again, kudos go out to them for having the nerve to pull it off. Robin would, seemingly, get back together with Ted in the final episode of the show, indicating that perhaps her happily ever after came after all.

“I Can Jump That Far”

While it seems silly to put such an emphasis on a scene in which Marshall tries to jump from one apartment building to another, we’ve always felt as if there was a deeper meaning behind it all.

All five of the main characters—especially Ted—wanted to try and take that next step towards doing something big with their lives. That one jump was a huge moment for all of them, allowing for the show’s writers to blend the comedy side of things with the deeper meaning we’d all been waiting for.

“Hi, One Ticket To Farhampton, Please”

The entire show built up to the reveal of the mother, and, when it finally happened in the last episode of the eighth season, it was perfect. From the shoes being shown to the yellow umbrella to the face reveal after all this time, everyone knew that we were finally going to see Ted Mosby get the girl after all these years.

The fate of the mother left a bad, bad taste in the mouth of many fans, but, at this moment, there was a sense of vindication and joy after waiting for so long to meet her.

“And That, Kids, Is How I Met Your Mother”

The alternate ending seemed to handle this line better than the actual ending if you base it off of the general reaction they received, but, beyond that, it was such a relief to finally hear Ted say those words.

The kids had quite literally grown up listening to this phenomenal love story, and yet, they still weren’t satisfied. The specifics of what went down can be debated until the end of time, but there will always be a special place for HIMYM in the hearts of those that watched it all the way through.