There have been some legendary shows that have made the last decade of television and streaming a revelation, and one such example that immediately comes to mind is none other than RuPaul’s Drag Race.

It may not be everyone’s cup of tea and we can understand that, but when push comes to shove, we’d argue there isn’t a better show out there on television right now - yes, that’s an almighty big claim.

There are plenty of reasons as to why we believe that, and we’re going to run through some of them with you here today.

Now sissy that walk.

The Pageantry

The colors, the music, the catwalks and more.

It’s all about putting on a show, and RuPaul’s Drag Race does so in spectacular fashion week in and week out. The production value has increased substantially as the years have gone on, but even with that in mind, we’d argue that the show has stayed true to its roots – and we love it for that.

People get drawn in by the larger than life nature of these characters, and treating it like a legitimate competition (which it is) always helps in that process.


RuPaul has been an icon for as long as we can possibly remember within American culture, and even though he’s been in the game for years now, he still knows how to put on a show.

Whether in drag or in one of his fabulous suits, Mama Ru is known and loved around the world and we can’t imagine that’s going to change any time soon.

There are some people that we just need to stop and applaud or bow down to upon arrival, and RuPaul fits into that category.

Guest Judges

From Neil Patrick Harris to Lady Gaga and beyond, there are very few reasons not to absolutely adore the assortment of guest judges that come through the doors of RuPaul’s Drag Race.

We love that we get to see them let their hair down and embrace a fun environment, which isn’t always the case when celebs make public appearances.

They do this show to portray a different side of their personalities – or to put extra focus on the one they already have, and we’re perfectly fine with either approach, to be honest.

The Creativity

We really love seeing the design phase of what the queens have to go through on a week to week basis.

It’s never easy for them to create these looks and make them their own, and it’s also not easy to construct their own physical appearance.

They do so because they have a real passion for their craft, and that is exemplified in the finished product.

It isn’t always perfect but as the years have gone on, we feel as if the standard has continued to rise which we love.

Lip Sync For Your Life

Lip Sync Battle is great and everything, but the Lip Sync For Your Life took the concept and blew it up to an insane degree.

Two queens (or sometimes more) quite literally give it their all in the name of remaining in the competition, and because they know what’s at stake, they put their heart and soul on the line.

Every so often you’ll get a performance that quite literally leaves you speechless, and by every so often, we mean every other week. It truly is televised perfection playing out before our very eyes.

Michelle Visage

Michelle Visage has been by the side of RuPaul since the beginning and she has seen just about everything there is to see in the world of drag.

She’s such a valuable asset to have around and as we look ahead to the future, we fully believe that she will go down in HERstory as one of the most influential figures in the business. That’s what she deserves.

Plus, after proving what she can do on the dancefloor on Strictly Come Dancing, it’s nearly impossible not to respect the woman.

The Drama

If you get through an entire season of RuPaul’s Drag Race without an argument or a subtle dig here and there, or even through an entire episode, then does it even really count as being part of the show?

No, is the answer to that, because the drama and the tea are what all of us live for. When the reunion hits at the end of every season we tend to see the gloves come off, and that’s where we always discover that the beef, while sometimes manufactured, is often very real indeed.

UK Spin-off

The thing we love the most about the UK spin-off of RuPaul’s Drag Race is that it gives viewers a chance to see just how different British humor is from American humor.

RuPaul was cracking up every single episode and the queens are the reason for that. They put an entirely different spin (put not intended) on the concept, and they were able to blend the show and this new style together with ease.

We’d call the first season an overwhelming success, and we’re intrigued to see where they take it from here.

Snatch Game

Snatch Game gives us the opportunity to see what these queens are capable of when they try and portray the rich and famous (or, sometimes, just the famous).

Some succeed and some fail given the pressure of the situation, but almost all of them put everything they’ve got into what has quickly become one of the most important episodes of every single season.

You can’t always tell who is going to go on to the final by Snatch Game, but more often than not we think it’s a pretty good indicator.

The Importance Of It

This show sends a message to every man, woman, boy and girl out there, you can be whatever you want to be.

Ignore what the haters may say and just go for it. You’ve only got one life and it’s all about living it in a way that makes you happy.

The drag community has been given such a massive boost from Drag Race, and given how well things have gone in the last few years, we think drag will be even bigger and even more awe-inspiring by the time we hit 2030.