We all either love DC or Marvel, and most of us have probably seen every film from both of these popular franchises. Of course, you can’t really picture Captain America as anyone but Chris Evans, or could think of a better Joker than Heath Ledger, but it might surprise you to know that lots of your favorite actors behind your favorite characters almost didn’t happen.

In fact, many of your all-time favs auditioned for roles that weren’t the ones they ended up getting, and definitely would’ve changed our entire cinematic experience. So, here are 10 of your favorite superhero actors who ended up in different roles than what they originally auditioned for. Honestly, we’re so glad it worked out the way it did.

Heath Ledger - Batman to the Joker

This probably blows your mind. Heath Ledger has been immortalized to us through his role as the Joker, and no matter how many others take on the part, we know in our hearts the Heath is the best that will ever come to this iconic and riveting role. So, you’re probably losing your mind over the fact that this might not have happened. In fact, Heath Ledger actually auditioned for the role of Bruce Wayne for Batman Begins and was the top choice for Nolan before Christian Bale was even considered. Obviously, we’re happy it all turned out the way did and so proud that Heath posthumously won the Oscar for his role.

Christopher Mintz-Plasse - Kick-Ass to Red Mist

While this isn’t your regular “superhero” film, it’s definitely still worth mentioning. That’s right, you know and love this actor as McLovin from Superbad, but he also plays the villain in Kick-Ass. Before he ended up as Red Mist, he actually auditioned for the hero role, where he would’ve played Kick-Ass himself.

However, it all worked out in the end, and even though this actor doubted his ability to play a villainous role, it turned out pretty well. We loved Aaron Tayler-Johnson as Dave Lizewski, and Mintz-Plasse was a perfect Chris D’Amico.

James Franco - Peter Parker to Harry Osborn

Throwing it way back to the OG Spider-Man series, you might be surprised to know that Tobey Maguire had a lot of fierce competition for the role of Peter Parker. In fact, there were lots of actors in the mix, including Tom Cruise, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Jake Gyllenhaal. However, another frontrunner was James Franco himself. He auditioned for Peter Parker, but the role was given to Maguire instead. But have no fear, because director Raimi offered him the role of Harry Osborn instead. Now, we’re happy it all worked out, because the Green Goblin is probably one of Franco’s most iconic roles to this day.

Michael B. Jordan - Falcon to Eric Kilmonger

This isn’t exactly the same movie, but we thought it was interesting nonetheless. Michael B. Jordan was a leading contender to play Sam Wilson, or Falcon, in Captain America and The Avengers series. Of course, that role eventually went to Anthony Mackie. However, he has less hard feelings now, because he was cast as Eric Kilmonger in Black Panther. In fact, we’re glad he waited it out because this is definitely one of our all-time favorite roles of this brilliant actor. So, just in case you think your Marvel dreams are dead, you might just get cast in a totally different movie, and might even play an even more badass character.

Cillian Murphy - Batman to the Scarecrow

We all probably know this man as Thomas Shelby from Peaky Blinders, but you might also remember him as the Scarecrow in the Batman Begins series. Of course, the Scarecrow is a major villain in the first flick. However, it might surprise you to know that Cillian Murphy actually auditioned for the role of Bruce Wayne.

He was in the mix of a plethora of actors, but of course, we all know the role went to Christian Bale in the end. Still, Cillian got some glory and was cast as an important antagonist.

Sebastian Stan - Captain America to Winter Soldier

Sebastian Stan has become one of our favorite heartthrobs from the Avengers series, and we all know him as Bucky Barnes or the Winter Soldier. However, it might interest you to know that he was up for the role of Captain America himself. We know you can hardly picture anyone else as America’s favorite ass besides Chris Evans, but there were definitely other actors up for the part. Again, it all worked out, because Chris Evans became our American hero, and Sebastian Stan got to play the badass and mysterious Winter Soldier. A role he definitely slew.

Joaquin Phoenix - Dr. Strange to Joker

This is another casting that didn’t occur within the same movie, but it’s definitely an interesting fact. Joaquin Phoenix is probably the only actor to have played Joker that has given Heath Ledger a run for his money. This is the newest DC film to come out, in 2019, and it absolutely blew away the box office.

However, before this brilliant man played our favorite DC villain, he was actually up for the role of Dr. Strange in the Marvel franchise. We know that Benedict Cumberbatch was honestly created for such a role, so we have no hard feelings. Plus, we’re not sure if Joaquin would’ve taken on both superhero flicks, and we absolutely loved him as Joker.

Sam Rockwell - Tony Stark to Justin Hammer

Sam Rockwell is making waves in Hollywood, and he’s even an Academy Award-winning actor. He’s probably one of the most versatile actors of today, and while you may have forgotten, he plays the villain in Iron Man 2. You’ll remember Mickey Rourke as Ivan Vanko, but Justin Hammer is the mastermind, and Tony’s business competitor, behind the madness. Honestly, Sam Rockwell killed this role, but before he was given the part, he was almost Tony Stark. Again, it’s pretty hard to envision anyone besides Robert Downey Jr. as Iron Man, but this man was close to stealing the role. Of course, it all worked out in the end, and Sam even has an Oscar to prove it.

Lee Pace - Star-Lord to Ronan the Accuser

Chris Pratt absolutely slays us all as Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy, but he definitely wasn’t the only actor considered for the part. In fact, Lee Pace was a front-runner for the role. Rather than playing the hero, this man actually became an iconic villain by playing Ronan the Accuser. Honestly, we can’t think of anyone else better for the part, and both of these actors are perfect for their roles. We guess everything happens for a reason, and it all works out in the end.

Tom Hiddleston - Thor to Loki

This is another one that might just knock your socks off. Chris Hemsworth actually had a lot of competition for the role of Thor, including Daniel Craig, Alexander Skarsgard, Charlie Hunnam, and Loki himself. Honestly, Tom Hiddleston and Chris Hemsworth have some of the best on-screen chemistry in the entire Marvel franchise. We can barely stand the idea of either of these actors not having the role they played, and we’d especially be thrown off our rocker if Tom ended up playing Thor. Loki is our favorite lovable villain, and Tom Hiddleston is an absolute artist at bringing him to life. We’re thankful the cards landed the way they did.