Who would win in a fight? It’s a classic question that superhero fans ask amongst themselves all the time and it’s an almost impossible one to really nail down.

With so much material out there with different depictions and rules in place, it’s hard to know what the most powerful or weakest superhero is.

Yet there still exists this impression, in the popular consciousness, that some heroes are much more capable than others. A lot of it has to do with the character’s popularity outside of the source material.

Movies and TV shows inform the impression of heroes far more the stories that spawned them. Yet just because there’s an image of a hero out there doesn’t mean it’s the right one. Comics and other mediums can often contradict the impression that hero has former with the public.

This list is all about unmasking and subverting those preconceptions. This isn’t about ranking which heroes are the most powerful and which are the weakest.

Some of the heroes might be weaker than you thought and still able to beat a powerful hero to a bruised pulp.

The goal of this list is to show that it’s possible to still be a big fan of superheroes, no matter where they come from, and still be surprised in what they’re able to do and what they can’t manage.

Here are the 10 Superheroes Weaker Than True Fans Thought (And 10 Who Are Way More Powerful).

Weaker: The Hulk

Marvel’s not-so-jolly green giant might seem invincible. In every story that The Hulk has been used in, he’s been treated like the ultimate source of power and strength. Sure, there’s no denying the fact that The Hulk is exceedingly strong.

The Hulk’s power level increases as his rage grows. There’s few heroes (in Marvel or DC) who pack a bigger punch. Yet that doesn’t mean it’s incapable for The Hulk to be harmed.

There’s the obvious weakness that The Hulk isn’t the smartest or shrewdest fighter.

He’s more of a blunt wrecking ball, even when he has some intelligence to him. Furthermore, The Hulk is highly susceptible to magic. The Hulk can wave his massive fists around, but he can be neutralized in face of an adept magic user.

Then there’s his most hilarious (and relatable) weakness, puppies. The sight of puppies can almost instantly soothe the savage beast’s heart.

More Powerful: Cyborg

It’s only until very recently that Cyborg has been recognized as the powerhouse he is, in the comics and outside of them.

Cyborg is now a founding member of the Justice League and recognized as the cream of the superhero crop, in-universe. However, few fans probably realize exactly how capable the former football star is with his powers.

Cyborg’s technically enhanced body has given him several ridiculous powers.

He’s tremendously durable and has a level of strength that’s equal to much more recognizable heroes. The cybernetic enhancements also allow Cyborg to have a nearly genius level of intellect too.

Plus, it gives him an arsenal of weapons and an ability to shapeshift.

Yet probably the most impressive thing about Cyborg is he can adapt to almost any form of technology. In our modern age, that makes the information available to Cyborg nearly limitless.

Weaker: Luke Cage

In his Netflix series much was made about Luke Cage being nearly invincible. It took a lot of explanation and some wonky logic to explain how villain, Diamondback, could find bullets powerful enough to break Luke’s skin. Luke’s “unbreakable” exterior is his claim to fame but it’s not wholly accurate.

It’s very hard to break through Luke’s skin, yet it’s not impossible. Adamantium, the metal that makes up Wolverine’s claws, can do it rather easily.

In addition, inside that skin Luke is just as vulnerable as any man. High energy blasts have broken his bones, he’s susceptible to radiation and chemical attacks can wreck him.

It’s also important to keep in mind that while Luke is very strong, it’s only in a relative sense. Luke has control over his neighborhood in NYC but in the wider world, he wouldn’t make much of dents against Marvel’s villainous gods.

More Powerful: Wonder Woman

Speaking of gods, there’s probably no more iconic female hero than Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman’s popularity is soaring thanks to her outings in the DCEU. However Wonder Woman has some hidden depths of strength that everyone might know.

Wonder Woman is widely considered one of the best melee fighters in the DC Universe, eclipsing even Batman.

Wonder Woman has faced and defeated multiple literal gods at the same time. Some of Diana’s victories are due to the weapons she’s holding, but mostly it’s down to her own skill.

Wonder Woman also has unfathomably fast reflexes. She caught a speedster, while totally blind. She’s also deflected hundreds of bullets from a high-power rifle. You can’t mess with this princess.

Weaker: Green Lantern

Since Green Lantern’s powers can from his power ring which can create anything it’s owner imagines, it would seem the cosmic cop is one of the most powerful heroes ever.

While Green Lantern deserves his (or her) position in the Justice League, there are some drawbacks to being in the Corps.

The wielding of a Green power ring can take a toll. It requires a heavy level of concentrations and, obviously, willpower. It’s not nearly as instantaneous as it seems.

This means that the constructions from the ring can be rather easily overcome by a stronger force.

In the first days of the hero, Green Lanterns were also incredibly weak to the color of yellow. The yellow phobia has since been retconned as a weakness to the power of fear.

Yet, for a while, Green Lantern could be defeated by a foe as bright as a yellow crayon (which is what Batman did in All-Star Batman and Robin).

More Powerful: Silver Surfer

The Silver Surfer has yet to get his due in live-action. The only real appearance of the Silver Surfer was in the (dreadful) second Fantastic Four movie, The Rise of the Silver Surfer.

Not many are even aware of the character. Yet here’s much more to the character than being a silvery naked surfer with the physique of a Ken doll.

The Silver Surfer is, arguably, one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Universe. The Surfer wields the power cosmic, which is a catch-all for a lot of influential powers.The Silver Surfer is a mix of a lot of heroes in one (literally) shiny package.

The alien formerly known as Norrin Radd can manipulate matter on a molecular level, changing it to his purpose.

The Silver Surfer has control of the four fundamental forces of the universe, which truly makes his limits, just that of his own imagination.

Weaker: Green Arrow

Thanks to Arrow, the level of Oliver Queen’s popularity and esteem has rapidly increased. Understandably the Arrowverse has amped up Oliver’s capabilities to justify his starring role. Yet the “real” Green Arrow isn’t nearly as powerful as Arrow has made him seem.

Oliver is one the best marksman in the DC Universe and has a fair bit of melee capabilities.

In the grand scheme of the DC Universe, Green Arrow probably doesn’t rank in the top ten of best fighters. (Black Canary, however, is another story.)

In fact, outside of Arrow, one of the appeals of Green Arrow is that he’s a scrappy underdog. Oliver isn’t as strong, smart or shrewd as the rest of his superhero brethren.

The Green Arrow just wants to fight injustice in whatever form he finds it. Green Arrow’s greatest strength is his determination, not really his skills with a bow or any other weapon.

More Powerful: The Flash

The Flash is often used for comic relief. This is usually because no matter who’s behind the mask, The Flash is the youngest member of the Justice League.

Of course, age is no indication of power. The fastest man alive has a lot more going from him than social awkwardness and quips.

The Flash’s connection to the Speed Force affords him immense powers.

Time-travel, near invincibility due to phasing, and an insane healing factor are just a few of the many things that The Flash can manage.

The Flash isn’t much of a fighter but when you can move faster than the human brain can perceive, you can deliver so many punches that it doesn’t matter how powerful they are individually.

The CW series has toned down The Flash’s powers, for budget concerns if nothing else. However, The Crimson Comet is far more than just a fast guy.

Weaker: Thor

Thor is a god. The casting of the Marvel Cinematic Universe hit out of the park when enlisting Chris Hemsworth as Thor because the Aussie looks believably mythological. Thor’s godliness does make him a force to be reckoned with, but not as much as some fans might believe.

Thor is very durable. It takes a lot of effort to bring the Thunder God down, let alone destroy him. However, by another god, Thor can be harmed, even irrevocably. This was proved by his final battle with Hela in Thor: Ragnarok.

Yet Thor’s greatest drawback is his famous hammer, Mjolnir. In the comics, where Thor loses his hammer a great deal of his strength goes with it.

In his very early days, when Thor was separated from Mjolnir, he was depowered to the level of an average human. Yet even recently, there’s a huge chasm of power between Thor armed and unarmed.

More Powerful: She-Hulk

She-Hulk doesn’t not have the most creative name. She-Hulk is one of several female characters whose initial identity was crafted purely out of their gender.

They’re just like the original (male) hero but they’re a woman. Thankfully since her introduction the alter-ego of Jennifer Walters has become more than the lady Hulk.

She-Hulk started out nearly as savage as her cousin. Yet in her recent incarnations Jennifer has all her faculties in her powerful, green form.

Jennifer has full control of when she changes into She-Hulk and can really unleash her strength.

With She-Hulk, her size is very deceptive. She-Hulk’s power and muscles are much more condensed and compacted than The Hulk.

She may look like a green super model, but she packs a punch nearly as intense as her green cousin. She-Hulk has all the advantages of The Hulk and very few of his drawbacks.

Weaker: Daredevil

Daredevil falls into a similar camp as Green Arrow. Since Matt Murdock launched his own interconnected TV universe (even if it’s a part of the MCU), Netflix has made Daredevil seem incredibly powerful. Daredevil is impressive but nowhere near as magnificent as he seems on his own series.

Matt is a fantastic fighter but only in his little corner of New York City. Though it would be a joy to see Daredevil join the MCU Avengers, he’d realistically be way out of his depth.

Despite appearances in The Defenders, Daredevil should be a much less elegant and powerful fighter compared to the likes of Iron Fist.

Of course, there’s also Matt’s obvious weakness to consider, his blindness. Matt’s radar sense might seem magical, but it’s prettily easily overcome with enough noise and distraction. Lamely, loud noises are Daredevil’s kryptonite.

More Powerful: Black Lightning

Jefferson Pierce’s CW series is opening the hero up to a whole new audience. It’s about time too because while Black Lightning was among the first African-American heroes, he’s about as far the mainstream as it’s possible to get.

There’s a lot more to Black Lightning than his ability to shoot lightning from his fingertips.

Black Lightning has a greatly enhanced level of strength and speed. He can also shoot different “forms” of lightning all of which are possible to neutralize and/or destroy much larger opponents.

On his TV series, most of Black Lightning’s most impressive feats are enabled by his suit. Although in the comics those abilities all come from him. Black Lightning can fly, teleport and turn into electricity itself.

TV’s Jefferson is, currently, the only veteran superhero in his world but he doesn’t really need anyone else.

Weaker: Captain America

Captain America is often the leader of The Avengers. Steve Rogers is, undoubtedly, the moral center of the Marvel Universe. Yet for all his achievements, Cap isn’t as powerful as Chris Evans’ Dorito-like physique would let you believe.

Thanks to his super-soldier serum Captain America is stronger, faster and more durable than the average man. There’s no one quite like Cap, naturally.

Yet he’s only just slightly more powerful than the average soldier.

Cap is nowhere near the power level of The Hulk, Thor, or even Iron Man in one of his more advanced armors.

Steve Rogers is viewed as the ultimate man but he’s still a man. This comes with all the unfortunate downsides and weakness.

There’s a reason that Cap was destroyed with just a regular bullet during The Death of Captain America arc. The serum tuned a wimpy asthmatic into a hunk but it didn’t work any other miracles.

More Powerful: Deadpool

Deadpool’s defining characteristic might be his mouth and sense of humor. The true depth of Deadpool’s powers and character are hidden right there in his name.

Deadpool is pretty much immortal. When Wade Wilson was experimented on he “beat” cancer and pretty much anything else that’s deadly.

Deadpool insane healing factor makes it possible for his body to be ripped apart and still be able to be pieced back together.

Any injury is just a temporary inconvenience. Deadpool’s mouth won’t stop moving and his body won’t either.

While the healing factor is the main influencer, there’s an extra bit that keeps Deadpool together. Deadpool was cursed by Thanos, to never die. (This is because Deadpool, Thanos and Death are in a love triangle.)

As long as Thanos wills it, no matter what happens to Deadpool he’ll keep going, going, and going…

Weaker: Wolverine

It’s only really hinted at in the movies, so it’s not common knowledge that a large portion of Deadpool’s powers come from Wolverine. Wade Wilson has a form of Wolverine’s healing factor that has made the clawed mutant a violent machine.

Like Deadpool, Wolverine is very hard to harm. There’s not only his healing factor but his skeleton is coated with adamantium, one of the most durable metals in the Marvel Universe. Unlike Deadpool, Wolverine isn’t impossible to destroy.

Wolverine can be drowned. A healing factor can’t stop your lungs filling with water. The mythical muramasa blade also contains a bit of Logan’s soul and can “put him down for good.” Decapitation, with the right weapon, is also possible for Wolvie.

Lastly, Wolverine has been known to “use up” his healing factor. Due to time or just overexertion, the ability that allows Wolverine to survive bullets to his head can stop working or work so slow that he can be ended.

More Powerful: Martian Manhunter

Unlike Marvel, DC Comics doesn’t have too many alien heroes. The majority of DC superheores are Earth-based, or like Superman, came to Earth.

One of the weirdest and most alien heroes in the DC pantheon is J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter. J’onn might look goofy but if he wanted, he’s capable of destroying the entire Justice League.

Martian Manhunter’s alien physiology gives him a cavalcade of special abilities.

J’onn can shapeshift, fly, and can communicate (or attack) telepathically.

Martian Manhunter is considered one of the most talented and powerful telepaths in existence.  J’onn can also phase through any matter and to top things off, he’s reportedly as strong as Superman.

If that wasn’t enough, depending on the depiction, Martain Manhunter only has one major weakness; fire. Sometimes that weakness has even been a made purely mental one. It’s just a fear, not anything physical.

Weaker: Batman

The cliched argument is that with enough “prep time” Batman can defeat anyone. It doesn’t matter how powerful or invulnerable they may seem, Batman can find a way to take anyone out.

It’s true that DC Comics has come up with outlandish excuses for how Batman has survived battles he should’ve easily perished in. Ultimately though Batman is still just a guy in a bat suit.

Batman is genius, a master in almost every martial art under the sun and often depicted has having a shoulder width the size of a small truck.

No time in the gym changes that Bruce Wayne is a man and has all the weakness of a man.

Batman can easily pass away. It’s more due to luck, special situations and plot armor that he hasn’t died forever.

After all, when Batman did face a god in single combat, Darkseid, he was disintegrated into a skeleton / sent back in time instantly.

More Powerful: Vision

Anyone who watched Avengers: Age of Ultron is well acquainted with the android Vision and his powers.

One of the big comedic moments of the movie is Vision effortlessly lifting Mjolnir when every other Avengers failed. Yet few people probably realize exactly how insanely powerful Vision is, especially in the comics.

Vision is incredibly strong, ludicrously so, being able to lift up to 50 tons and unable to tire like a human.

The android Avenger can also control his density at will being able to phase and destroy any material, fly and be unnaturally fast. Then there’s energy beams he can shoot, which in the MCU, are powered by an Infinity Stone.

Yet maybe the most impressive part of Vision is his computer brain. Vision being half machine has had almost limitless possibilities. This includes Vision’s ability to create new (artificial) life, nearly as indestructible as himself.

Weaker: Superman

Superman is the poster boy for overpowered superheroes. In his lengthy history Superman has possessed or exhibited nearly power that exists under the sun.

Still, the Big Blue Boy Scout isn’t invulnerable. Kryptonite is synonymous for superhero weakness but there is way more than the green stuff that impact Superman.

Green Kryptonite is the most common form and it weakens Superman. Yet there is also Gold Kryptonite which permanently strips his powers, Red Kryptonite which strips away his morality and Pink Kryptonite which makes Superman gay (seriously). These are just a handful of the many Krptonites.

Furthermore, Superman can feel pain and beat beaten down by other Kryptonians or powerful beings. It’s very possible to hurt Superman without any Kryptonite.

Superman can even do himself harm by using so much of his powers that they deplete and he truly is just Clark Kent.

More Powerful: Aquaman

Aquaman has been the butt of superhero jokes for decades. He’s the guy who talks to fish. Most of this can be attributed back to the Super Friends cartoon which turned the King of Atlantis into a cheesy doofus.

It’s true that Aquaman does have affinity for acquatic life but there’s so, so much more to him.

Aquaman is very strong, having a strength on the level of Wonder Woman. Aquaman’s half-Altatean skin is much tougher than the average human.

He’s bulletproof. Aquaman can also suffer intense heat and energy blasts that would devastate or cripple most other heroes.

With his trident, Aquaman can fight on land as easily as in the sea. Yes, the water is Aquaman’s domain.

The ocean is where he is the strongest, fastest and most capable but he can take down anyone who makes fun of him for talking to fish, no matter their home.

Do you agree with this list? Which superhero’s powers do you believe are unfairly overrated? Whose viewed as too powerful? Sound off in the comments!