At first glance, Brooklyn Nine-Nine may appear to be just your typical procedural cop sitcom, but it is actually so much more. Premiering on FOX in 2013, this little sitcom has had a big journey. From getting canceled by FOX after concluding its fifth season, to almost immediately being rescued by NBC, Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a series that has certainly been through a lot.

The show has concluded its sixth season, with a seventh now in production. It’s fairly rare for a comedy series with a long lifespan to escape its almost always inevitable “jump the shark” moment. But for Brooklyn Nine-Nine, that moment has yet to happen, and the series is still in its prime.

To remain as loved and successful as it has for several years, it’s obvious that this series is bound to have something special about it, and it definitely does. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is one of the most uniquely fresh sitcoms on TV right now, so let’s explore why this show is so special, with 10 things it does better than any other sitcom.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine’s foundation is built on its endearing, hilarious characters and the adorable friendships they have with each other. It’s a common mistake on nearly every single sitcom that has ever aired on TV to make a joke out of everything—and that includes friendships.

Jokes and opportunities for comic relief often outweigh genuine portrayals of friendship, but this is not the case when it comes to Brooklyn Nine-Nine. The characters’ relationships with each other are always put first in every situation. It’s in favor of showing just how tight-knit the Nine-Nine clan is, and that is a very important aspect of this show.


As aforementioned, it’s common in the sitcom genre for writers to take the comedy aspect too seriously. In doing this, shows often take it too far and take nothing but the comedy and jokes seriously, as if those are the only important parts of the series. This is a big reason why many sitcoms end up jumping the shark or having a very short-lived, forgettable run on the small screen. Sure, they are comedy shows. But portraying the characters, their lives, and their relationships as realistic and relatable is still important, and this is a concept that is lost on so many shows.

But not Brooklyn Nine-Nine. One very smart thing this series does is separate its comedic moments from its emotional and serious ones. Heartfelt or sad scenes are not injected with forced comedy, and therefore the entire show feels so much more genuine.


Brooklyn Nine-Nine is probably the most “woke” show on TV right now. It manages to be funny while simultaneously touching on sensitive social issues in a genuinely tasteful way. Most shows—specifically sitcoms—either shy away from important issues or make a complete joke of them.

When it comes to Brooklyn Nine-Nine, though, the writers don’t take either of these paths, and they deal with social issues respectfully. One of the most well-known instances of this in the series took place in a season 5 episode titled, “Game Night”. It is in this episode that Rosa Diaz comes out as bisexual to her parents, who react in a very hurtful way. But the writers deal with this whole scenario very well, in a way that most shows never do.


Although it would be nice if TV shows were as progressive as we’d like to believe they are, it’s a sad truth that many series still treat their LGBTQ+ characters poorly. This is especially the case when it comes to sitcoms that are far often stuck in the 70s/early 2000s era and frequently use gay characters purely for comic relief.

Sitcoms often use harsh gay stereotypes to their advantage and have their LGBTQ+ characters behave ridiculously while the other “normal” straight characters laugh, as if this is something that is at all acceptable to do. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is in the minority here, as their LGBTQ+ characters are fleshed out beyond stereotypes, are taken seriously by the other characters, and are never subjected to being the target of disrespectful jokes.


In Hollywood, diversity is a major issue. Or, more specifically, the lack of diversity is a major issue. Though the world of TV and films have come a long way, the fact that many series and movies still have a significant lack of diversity in their casts is still a problem today.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine stands out from other shows because it has a notably diverse cast, with minorities having major roles. This is something that many shows should aspire to have.


Offensiveness does not equal good comedy, a fact that almost all sitcoms completely disregard. There are plenty of ways to write a funny show without every single joke being a shot at some minority group that everyone loves to target, and this is something Brooklyn Nine-Nine proves.

This show has its lighthearted reputation for a reason. Its style of humor does not offend or discriminate, as its style of comedy is very respectful, goofy, and always hilarious.


Every episode of Brooklyn Nine-Nine presents the beloved Ninety-Ninth precinct gang on a different adventure. But over six seasons and a hundred and thirty episodes, the series never lacks creativity. The characters’ adventures range from realistic situations to not-so-possible circumstances, and they never fail to be unique and hilarious.

In one of the most memorable episodes, Holt is temporarily fired from being captain, and Seth Dozerman (portrayed by Bill Hader) steps in to fill his shoes. What’s unforgettable about this storyline is the fact that Dozerman is so high-strung that he promptly drops dead of a heart attack shortly after being hired.


Typically, romance is not commonplace in sitcoms—good romance, that is. Since the genre is so focused on producing enough funny material to be called a comedy, there is little limelight on other aspects. Romance takes a back seat most times, and when it is given focus, it is usually not well-written.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine, however, breaks this genre stereotype. One of the best aspects of the series is its romantic relationships, which are always very well-written and fleshed out. With beautiful couples like Jake and Amy, Holt and Kevin, Rosa and Jocelyn, and Terry and Sharon, Brooklyn Nine-Nine never disappoints in the romance department.


One of the things that makes this show so lovable is its small, tight-knit cast of well-rounded characters. Where most sitcoms neglect continuity and character development, Brooklyn Nine-Nine values it. Many of their running gags and jokes are funny because of how well the audience knows and loves these characters.

Throughout the six seasons this show has been on the air, viewers have grown to love the Nine-Nine gang and all of their unique personalities, which is a big reason why the series was saved from cancellation so quickly.


One of the most special things about Brooklyn Nine-Nine is the fact that it is always breaking stereotypes. Having such a diverse cast would be, for most shows, an opportunity for some distasteful, lame jokes, but not for Brooklyn Nine-Nine.

This series is unique and has an eccentric, lovable cast of characters that are anything but stereotypical. That is something which is very hard to find on any TV series, let alone a sitcom. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is an extremely important show and one of the most revolutionary series in TV history.