When Sons of Anarchy finished its 7 years run on FX, back in 2014, many fans wondered if the show would get its own spin-off. Maybe even a prequel or sequel series. For years speculation abound that an idea was in the works and would soon be brought to light. When Mayans M.C. was finally announced, it caught some fans off guard, fearing it would be too different from Sons of Anarchy to work.
Yet, the transition has been seamless, as Mayans M.C. has fit right in with Sons of Anarchy lore. That said, it is not without its flaws, particularly in the main plot of the series. Main and side characters are never truly fleshed out and certain important plot points are disregarded completely. So without further adieu, let’s go over the 10 things that don’t make sense about Mayans M.C.
Why Wasn’t EZ Vetted Better?
So, apparently, a guy who just killed an officer and got released from prison without serving his full sentence isn’t fishy enough to the Mayans to maybe look into whether or not he is a government plant? It isn’t too far out there to believe that for a gang that smuggles guns, murders people daily, and does other illegal activities might be a little careful to who they trust or who they decide to let in the club. Sure, his brother is a member but does the word of one member really trump common sense?
How Did Emily Get Mixed Up With a Cartel Leader?
It is hard to tell if Emily is either ambitious with who she decides to be with or is the unluckiest woman in the world. First, she dates, EZ, who gets prosecuted for killing an officer. Then, she decides to marry Miguel Galindo, head of the Galindo Cartel. It’s like she is catnip for homicidal murderers. Miguel is shown to be older than her, so it isn’t like he was a childhood friend.
Wouldn’t Alvarez Working For The Cartel Compromise Mayan Secrets?
Alvarez knows all the ends and outs of the club. Yet, for some reason, he can just retire and start working for the Galindo Cartel? Wouldn’t the Mayans fear that he would give away all their secrets to a cartel that already vastly outguns them?
It’s not just what he does know, it is who he knows that is such a problem. With so many contacts still in the club even though he is working with the cartel, he still could easily find out where, when, and what they are shipping or who they are doing business with.
Why Would Los Olvidados Ever Trust The Mayans?
This is a baffling question and one that never fully gets explained. The Mayans have a long and storied past with the Galindo Cartel. Yet, for some reason, the leaders of Los Olvidados trust specific members of the Mayans? It seems bad for business to trust the strongest ally of their greatest enemy. Where does Los Olvidados think EZ’s or Angel’s loyalties lie? With them or with the Mayans? It seems especially dangerous for Los Olvidados who remain on the run because of Galindo Cartel attacks to trust their location details with members of the Mayans.
Why Is EZ Not The Mayans Accountant?
It is hard to understand why the club wouldn’t put EZ’s memory to good use. They know he has a photographic memory, yet, they just force him to do grunt work. Some of that could be explained by remembering that he is a prospect, but, for a gang whose hands are in everything from drug smuggling to gun running, it is difficult to fathom why they don’t use his talents in the background, keeping track of shipments or possibly even memorizing meeting details. Currently, Angel is the club’s secretary. A position better suited for EZ than Angel.
How Was Miguel So In the Dark About His Brother’s Death?
One would think that a man as powerful as Miguel Galindo would know everything and anything he wished to know. However, that wasn’t the case when it came to Cristobal Galindo’s death. His mother had hidden the truth of his brother’s death, telling him instead that he had died of pneumonia, but a rival cartel had kidnapped him as a way of blackmailing Miguel’s father.
When Miguel’s father refused their terms, the boy was killed. Miguel was oblivious to the true nature of his brother’s death until his right-hand man, Devante, explained to him the dirty details.
If Felipe Was Fleeing The Cartel Why Did He Move To A Border Town?
If Felipe was so afraid of the Galindo Cartel and fled for his and his family’s safety, why just move to a border town? Logic would say to move as far away as possible but, instead, Felipe decided that one of the most powerful cartels in Mexico wouldn’t bother looking for him in the next town over. This line of thinking is either so stupid that it is brilliant or so brazen that it is illogical. In the end, Dita Galindo did find him, and his wife and son paid dearly for his past mistakes.
Why Didn’t Angel Ask Why His Middle Name Was Ignacio?
Many children might not ponder their names much, nor would they be concerned about why their parents named them a particular name. That said, it is known that EZ and Angel’s father wasn’t the most open man about his past, which one would think would cause his children to at least ask a few questions here and there, for no other reason to get to know him better. A good question to start with would be why is Angel’s middle name Ignacio? If these questions were asked, Angel would know that it is his father’s real name.
Why Are The SOA So Chummy With Mayans Now?
During Sons of Anarchy’s run, Mayans were known as the SOA’s chief rival. By the end of the series, their bloody rivalry had died down a bit and a temporary peace was restored.
However, just because they were no longer killing each other doesn’t mean they were partying together. Mayans M.C. makes it look less like they were rivals and more like they were just different charters. Fans of Sons of Anarchy know this to not be true and may find the coziness between the clubs a little out of place.
Why Was EZ Haunted By The Memory Of Dita?
Throughout the first two seasons, EZ is haunted by a recurring flashback of him and his brother at a carnival when they were children. At first, we are led to believe that the flashback was to remind viewers of the closeness the brothers share but at the end of season 2, the full flashback was shown, with EZ being unnerved by a woman in the background, behind his parents sitting on a bench. EZ remembers almost everything he has ever seen but that doesn’t mean he dwells on random memories. What was so haunting about this particular memory?