Jane the Virgin is one of those shows that unexpectedly leaves viewers on the edge of their seats. It starts out feeling like a funny rom-com, and then people start getting murdered and suddenly it’s impossible to look away.

Unfortunately, this season is the last for Jane the Virgin. We’ve come such a long way from the innocent young Jane introduced in season one. She’s now grown into a responsible mother who is still navigating life and love, but with much more at stake. The rest of the characters have also grown substantially along the way. However, as the show comes to an end, so much has been left unanswered. This is a telenovela, after all. So, here are some of the main things we’d like to see happen before the show’s finale.


Jane’s been through enough and is finally happy with Rafael. We don’t know what Michael 2.0, or “Jason” is up to, but we know it’s not good for this lovable heroine. While a lot of people were “Team Michael” originally, we’ve grown quite used to the idea of Jane building her happily ever after with Rafael. Now, it looks like Jason (who is definitely not the original Michael with his dry personality) may be a threat to that happy ending. Whatever the case may be, he needs to go for the sake of Jane’s sanity. He’s not doing anyone any favors by sticking around so the others can hang on to past memories.


The looming engagement between Jane and Rafael has kept being put off by various circumstances, which is understandable. But since both of them are aware that it’s coming, it’d be nice if they just got married. While it’s a little up in the air considering Jane’s marital status to the risen-from-the-dead Michael/Jason, it’d be great to end the show with a happy wedding and a fresh start for these two. We’d be even more ecstatic if they announced another pregnancy. We know Raf has his hands full with the twins and Mateo, but it would be so nice to see another sibling for Mateo to live with full-time.


Alba deserves happiness. She’s watched everyone else find theirs, and she’s finally ready to find love again after her husband. Unfortunately, it’s hard for her. We know that she’s secretly in love with Jorge Garcia, whom she married so he can get a green card.

But we also know that she’s been hurt before because of him, and truthfully, she deserves better. So, let’s get rid of Jorge. Alba says she is sending him home to visit his mother, so this could be her big opportunity to let him go and find someone else.


Since the Passions of Santos has been developed for American TV as The Passions of Steve and Brenda, Rogelio has really gotten his big break in American television. However, he’s very at risk of losing that spot with the way he acts on set. He’s constantly having to share the spotlight with River Fields (Brooke Shields) and is struggling to win in a world that wants to see more female characters on television. Will he finally get a breakout role and become an American star, or will he have to just live with the memory of being a Spanish soap star? Time will tell.


Fans are so sick of Sin Rostro and her ability to constantly get away with everything. Just when you think she’s dead, she’s actually secretly orchestrating a scheme behind bars or somewhere else impossible. She brings Michael back to life just to wreak havoc on everyone’s life. Most audience members could agree that nothing would be more satisfying than ending the show with her demise. It’d be even better if it’s Jane that finally does away with her. That’s what we’d call sweet, sweet revenge.


By now, you know that Rafael lost his shares in the hotel after finding out he isn’t his father’s biological son. He’s been through quite a few up and downs looking to discover the truth about his parents, but he still hasn’t really been able to solve the mystery. It’s quite frustrating for him. After a few failed attempts, Rafael admitted that he doesn’t really care anymore, but it’s possible that, deep down, he still does. It’d be nice to see him find that closure he deserves and get to know who his parents really were. Maybe one of them is still alive and looking for him, too.


When Xio was diagnosed with cancer last season, it was a straight punch to the gut for the viewers. Everyone loves her and of course, no one wants to see anything happen to her. But the showrunners have revealed that someone is going to die this season, and Gina Rodriguez herself has stated that everyone was “in tears” rehearsing the season finale.

Now, since this is a CW drama and a telenovela, that is simply expected, and it’s likely that more than one person is going to die. Let’s just hope that it’s not Xio. We’d love to see her beat cancer and reclaim her physical strength (because we know she never lost her mental strength).


Recently we’ve seen that Jane is struggling with finding inspiration for her second novel, while also dealing with the crazy scenarios that keep popping up in her life. However, it’s very likely that they won’t address this because of the recent news about the spinoff series. It looks like it’s going to tackle the subject entirely. The upcoming Jane the Virgin spinoff is set to be titled Jane the Novela, with each season being based on one of Jane’s novels and the whole show being narrated by Jane herself. So, we may get those answers about her next book, just not as soon as we’d hoped.


We’ve been listening to the soothing voice of our sympathetic narrator since Chapter One began. He’s clearly closely connected to Jane and her family, but we have no idea why. We’ve never seen who this guy is. It’s hard to tell how he knows so much about Jane and her family. But it’s a mystery that looks like it’s going to be solved soon. There are certainly a lot of fan theories about him. The most popular fan theory is that he’s Jane’s beloved grandfather looking down over the family. But he could be a variety of other people as well, though, so we’ll have to wait and see. Back in 2017, the show’s executive producer Jennie Urman stated that his identity would be revealed in the last few episodes of the show. So, we can confirm that we are finally going to find out.


Things aren’t great between Petra and JR right now. We know JR cares about Petra. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have come back to help save her. But she still needs some convincing that Petra has changed and is done with all her crazy schemes. Despite the fact that Petra was originally a terrible person who put everyone’s lives at risk for her own personal gain, she has really come around to being a better person. She deserves love just as much as the rest of the characters do. She’s also been through enough heartache. So, it’d be nice if the show gave her that as a final send-off.