Sometimes you can’t beat a classic, and sometimes a fresh new take on a beloved film brings new light and love to the original film and can turn it into a wonderful franchise. When Disney first announced plans to return to the world of Hocus Pocus, the internet was a bit divided, but over all excited.

Though fans were a bit hesitant when the news of the sequel was announced, as the original was utter perfection and they worried that revisiting this classic tale could result in a lackluster remake that undoes our happy ending and some of our favourite moments from the original. But as time has passed since the announcement was first made, fans have gotten excited and hopeful as to what the film may contain. Let’s explore ten things that we hope to see in the Hocus Pocus sequel.

The Original Cast

Though it was reported that the original cast were not tied to this project, we are not giving up hope. Even if the story focuses on a new set of children and witches, a brief nostalgic appearance by the original cast would be a truly wonderful and welcomed addition to the new film.

Though we would love it if they reprised their original roles, if the story does not allow this to happen, we would completely understand. Fans are craving a new take on the original tale or a sequel set in modern times and so bringing the original cast back in new roles could be a beautiful way to balance a fresh take and our much needed dose of nostalgia.

A Modern Take

Modern technology could be a fascinating addition to the story, whether it is going to be a straight reboot or an original story. Imagine if the Sanderson sisters were able to broadcast their sirens song over social media. Think about how many more children they could have lured to their deaths with that technology.

Modern versions of the story could also have a group of kids live streaming them lighting the black flame candle or something of that nature.

No Binx Siblings

Even though we all loved the Binx siblings, we do not want to see them in this sequel. They can be mentioned or alluded to, but we do not want them to actually appear in the film itself.

And there is a simple reason for that: the Binx siblings passed into the afterlife at the end of the original film and are finally enjoying eternal happiness. Them appearing in the sequel would mean that they were pulled from this sacred place and we don’t want that to happen.

A New Musical Number

The “I Put A Spell On You” musical number might be one of the most iconic moments in the entire film. If we are getting a new film, we are going to need another magical musical moment.

Whether they create an original song for the film or do a cover of a popular song is irrelevant as both options could be truly enchanting, if done correctly. We are truly excited for the prospect of a new film but we hope that they create a unique film with new characters and a new story rather than a straight reboot.

A Logical Reason To Return

The original movie ended on a perfect note. The Sanderson sisters were encased in/turned to stone, the Binx siblings were free to spend eternity in the afterlife, and all was returned to normal by the time the sun rose. A perfect ending.

But with the talks of a sequel floating around the internet, we have to ask where would the story go from here. How would we bring the Sanderson sisters back? Would reopening the story ruin our happy ending? If we are going to return to this world, we simply want a logical reason to do so.

A New Enemy

If the original Sanderson sisters are to return to this sequel, we want a new villain to fight against. If this film is to be an actual sequel, rather than a remake or prequel, we want a unique enemy that is bigger and badder than the original sisters ever were.

Another interesting take would be for the new crop of children to have to form an unwilling alliance with the sisters in order to deal with this new threat. Unlikely alliances are always excellent comedy and tension fodder and could result in a fascinating and unique movie.

Nostalgic Moments

The biggest trend of the 2010s has been nostalgia. People are no longer shedding their favourite childhood films and hobbies when they turn 18 as we have redefined what it means to be an adult. People have found a wonderful way to balance their adult responsibilities and the media that they grew up with and this nostalgic pursuit has sparked a booming industry. What we want most from this sequel is a decent amount of references to its original (while still maintaining a unique storyline.)

But it’s important to note that balance will be key. We hope that this story is a unique and fresh look at the story that we all grew up on. The best plan for this film is for it to be its own story, while still containing several nostalgic and key references back to the original film. This would create the perfect balance of new and old that could make this film an instant classic.

An Exploration of Their History

Something that would be fascinating to explore in a future addition to the series would be the history behind the sisters. Though we do know a bit about their goals, past terrors, and romantic pursuits, figuring out exactly how long they had been consuming children before they were hung and later turned to stone would be worth exploring.

We could learn more about their past and exactly how the Sanderson sisters got their book, what happened to their mother, and how they were able to last so long before they were originally stopped.

Updated Costumes

The original costumes are beloved and iconic. However, if we are going to revisit this series, a more modern take on the classic Sanderson sisters’ costumes could be truly fascinating.

Perhaps the sisters have to disguise themselves in the modern world in order to lure their next crop of kids and, in doing so, have to update their costumes to reflect modern trends. These new versions of the costumes would be a sight to see and we are brimming with excitement over what they might look like.

A New Story

Though we do love the idea of revisiting this classic movie, we have grown a little tired of shot-for-shot remakes. However, we are still 100% here for reboots that put a new spin on an original idea. If they are committed to making a sequel to this cult-classic, we simply ask that it be a new story entirely rather than a reimagining of the original story that we all fell in love with.

New witches, new kids, a new reason for them being released, and new supernatural side characters could all be wonderful ways to explore this beloved tale in a new and fresh way. Why did they come back, who released them, how did they escape the stone? Or will an entirely new trio of witches be haunting a new generation of kids?

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