Supernatural is currently the longest-running horror series on television. Its fifteenth and final season will premiere next month on The CW. Jared Padalecki, who plays Sam on the series, is already in talks to move on to another show with the possibility he may star in a Walker, Texas Ranger reboot. It truly is almost the end of an era.

Making it to fifteen seasons is not an easy feat in the current television climate. With more than 300 episodes under their built, Supernatural has filmed in all kinds of different places across Canada, and sometimes beyond. Here are some fun facts you might not know about the series’ many filming locations.

The series is primarily filmed in Vancouver

It’s common knowledge that most CW series film in British Columbia in Canada. However, for a series that predicates itself on being a road trip adventure between two brothers, you might expect that they would film at a larger variety of locations.

Supernatural does film at a many different places but for the most part they are all contained to Vancouver. Despite the fact that Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki are both Texas boys, they have to relocate all the way to the cold of Canada to film their show every year.

In season 12, Supernatural filmed at the popular Cecil Green Park House in Canada. It’s a beautiful place that sits up in the cliffs and overlooks the Strait of Georgia. If the place looked familiar to you while watching it’s probably because you’ve seen one of the many other television shows that have filmed at this same location.

Many of the places that Supernatural films have been used by other popular shows. The Flash, Charmed, iZombie, Lucifer, and more all filmed at the Cecil Green Park House. Aside from being a notable wedding venue, it is used often for film shoots.

If you’ve ever heard of the Crossridge Church in Surrey, it might sound like a genuine church. In reality, it is a vintage movie theater. You can see it in the season 14 episode, “Peace of Mind,” where Sam and Dean travel to a supposedly picture-perfect small town in Arkansas.

The usage of the Crossridge Church area to show the vintage theater is a great way to make it seem like they really are shooting in the idyllic small town as is the vibe attempted by the episode.

They’ve even filmed at a real dental office

In that same episode mentioned above, “Peace of Mind,” Supernatural briefly filmed by a real dentist office simply known as Dental Office, located in downtown Surrey. It might surprise you to know how many mundane areas the location crew has found and repurposed into something totally different.

In this case, the office is meant to look like a bowling alley, which you’ll see represented in the scene in question. It’s interesting to realize that a casual businessowner could suddenly be approached to see if their place of work could be used as a backdrop for an episode of television.

Most of the cemetaries they film at are real

Due to the premise of Supernatural, two men traveling the country hunting monsters, it makes sense why they would frequently come across cemetaries. Sam and Dean often have to go to various graveyards to dig up bodies and salt and burn bones to put restless spirits at ease.

It’s not exactly the most glamorous part of their job but someone’s got to do it. You might think that many of these cemetaries are on a set or are constructed for production, but in reality they do visit real cemetaries most of the time. If you find that you recognize one, that’s why. They even film in them at night sometimes. How’s that for real scares on a fake show?

Parts of the pilot episode were shot on the set of The O.C.

In the original pilot episode of Supernatural, the DVD comes with a special commentary with Eric Kripke himself along with other producers of the series. They mention that one of the early scenes in the show was actually shot on the set of The O.C., another popular show aimed at a young teen demographic.

When shooting a pilot, producers don’t have much of a chance to gather things together. They’re on a major time crunch. So they were lucky to be able to use a working set that was available to them and if you’re a fan of The O.C. it’s kind of cool that two of your favorite shows got a mini-crossover that way.

Some locations are reused and repurposed

If you begin to notice that some locations look familiar, it could be because they have already appeared on the series before, but as something else. For instance, in the season 2 premiere, the hospital was actually the same set as the asylum in the season 1 episode, “Asylum.” It was totally repurposed of course, and casual viewers would probably not notice. But that isn’t the only time locations have been reused.

The series has been on for almost fifteen years now, it’s not that surprising they would wind up needing to use the same places more than once. After the production team and set design crew gets a hold of it, you usually can’t tell anyway.

The series might have more locations than any other show

During the episode commentary of the season 1 episode, “Phantom Traveller,” Jensen and Jared both commented on how many locations Supernatural uses to film the series. They both remarked that the series might use more locations than any other show, at least out of all the series they’ve worked on.

It must have been a lot particularly for Jared Padalecki. Prior to Supernatural, his most notable role was on another WB series, Gilmore Girls. That show primarily shot on the same set for years. Progressing to a series with lots of different locations must have been a very different experience for Jared.

There is only so much control production has over outside forces

When you think about television series, you can’t help but imagine a certain degree of power and royalty when they’re out in the real world. You wouldn’t think that a series would have to contend with production issues like overbooking, construction noises, or random passerby. But that’s not actually the case.

Production only has so much control over the elements and they can only film in certain places for designated amounts of time depending on the deals they make to rent out spaces. Often times they film in real businesses and they can only shut down for so long. On another episode commentary, the boys talked about constantly having to cut due to construction noises next door. They couldn’t do anything about it! Stars, they’re just like us.

You can go visit many of the places they film at

A majority of the places where Supernatural films are real businesses, bars, motels, or just beautiful vistas out in nature. You can actually go visit most of these areas if you like. Many fans have organized road trips to try and hit up as many Supernatural locations as possible.

Of course, you could also take a road trip to the fictional places they attend in the series, well fictional in the sense they don’t really film there but Sam and Dean do genuinely travel all over the country. Unfortunately, if you do want to visit the filming locations, you’ll have to plan on staying in Canada for a little while which might not be easy if you’re not a citizen.