Many Harry Potter fans, especially those who have read all of the books, are big fans of “sassy Harry.” In the novels, Harry has far more one-liners and comebacks than he has in the films. One of his best is with Snape. Snape asks, “Do you remember me telling you we are practicing nonverbal spells, Potter?” and Harry replies, “Yes.” Snape wants a little more respect and says, “Yes, sir.” And Harry, in full sass mode, replies, “There’s no need to call me ‘sir,’ Professor.” Yeah, well, that Harry knows how to stand up for himself.

But it took a little time to get to that point and, in the end, Harry was still a kid/teenager. So, here are a few other times he could have used that confidence and didn’t.

At the Dueling Club

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets sees Harry and company being taught dueling techniques for their own “safety” but Gilderoy Lockhart, with the aid of Professor Snape. Harry and Draco are called up to demonstrate for the rest of the club and, well, Harry lets it slip that he can talk to snakes. After calling out to the snake to leave Justin Finch-Fletchley alone, there is a terrified reaction from the class. Unfortunately, Harry waits until he’s alone with Ron and Hermione to explain what he said to the snake. Apparently. Harry’s not great at reading the room.

Hufflepuffs in the Library

Poor Harry just doesn’t have a lot of luck in his second year at Hogwarts. After the dueling club incident, Harry overheard some Hufflepuffs badmouthing him in the library. It’s actually a deleted scene in the Chamber of Secrets movie. They think Harry is the heir of Slytherin, and have told Justin Finch-Fletchley to hide in the Hufflepuff dormitory for his own safety. Though Harry overhears this conversation, he does nothing about it. Harry’s in the right and definitely should have said something, especially since the Hufflepuffs were scared anyway.

When the Dursleys Sent Harry Christmas Presents

While the movies highlight Harry’s better Christmas gifts (sweater, Firebolt, and invisibility cloak included) the books also mention items like a toothpick and tissue that Harry receives from his aunt and uncle. The fact that these gifts are mentioned and simply set aside is a little disappointing. One wishes Harry had perhaps thrown them across the room, burned them, or even refused to open them one year. It’s hard to think Harry still thought his aunt and uncle might come through and actually show some kindness each time a gift was received. There’s so much he could have done to rid himself of these sorry excuses for presents.

When Harry’s Name Came Out of the Goblet of Fire

Fans all know from that Harry did not put his own name in the Goblet of Fire. When Harry’s name is nonetheless called, he takes a moment to register the event but, though tentatively, eventually gets to his feet and exits the great hall. Maybe this would have been a good time to publicly declare that he did not put his name into the Goblet of Fire. Perhaps movie Dumbledore would not have been so angry. Perhaps the Hufflepuffs would not have felt so slighted. Perhaps Ron would not have been so moody. We’ll never know because Harry stayed silent.

When Snape Demanded Harry’s Potion Book

After Harry injures Malfoy by using Sectumsempra in the sixth book, Snape demands Harry show him the potions book he’s been using. Harry immediately hides his own “Half Blood Prince” book and shows Snape Ron’s copy of the book instead. Never once does Harry try to ask Snape why he’s interested in the book — especially since Snape is no longer the potions teacher at the time.

Sure, Harry was pretty traumatized here, having accidentally injured Malfoy by using unknown magic, but a wiser student might have denied a little bit more if they found themselves in the same situation.

When Dumbledore Ignored Harry in The Order of the Phoenix

After Harry fights a Dementor, Dumbledore sends a note to 4 Privet Drive, meant for Aunt Petunia. Things only escalate from there. Dumbledore makes it incredibly hard for Harry to get in touch, always disappearing quickly and not letting anybod know exactly where he’s off to.

Harry does try to confront Dumbledore on a few occasions when they are in the same vicinity, but the fact that Harry never stormed up to the staff table or broke down the door to the headmaster’s office were probably lost opportunities.

When Harry Sees Thestrals

It’s true that in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry is feeling particularly alienated from those around him. He doesn’t feel as if he can speak to anyone or that anyone will understand what he’s feeling. However, when he arrives at Hogwarts and sees Thestrals in front of the previously “horse-less” carriages. he might have fought a bit harder to get his friends to believe him. Luna does because of course, she can see Thestrals too, but her reputation doesn’t exactly help Harry’s case. Harry should have been a bit more insistent with Ron and Hermione.

When The Teachers Find Harry and Ron with the Troll

It is obviously an important moment in the developing friendship of the trio when Hermione lies to the teachers about what she, Harry, and Ron were doing chasing after a troll in the girl’s bathroom. While Harry and Ron might have been told off for not going to a teacher, it still seems a bit silly not to admit to hurrying to inform a fellow house member that there was a troll somewhere on campus. He and Ron were being responsible house members,rather than foolhardy Gryffindors when they originally set out to find Hermione, who was not at the Halloween feast.

When Ron and Hermione Didn’t Believe Him About Malfoy

Harry was right in thinking that Malfoy had been made a Death Eater as a replacement for his father. Hermione and Ron, like all readers and viewers, knew that Harry and Malfoy had always had bad blood between them, but that never meant that Harry was wrong. He should have stood up for himself and pushed a bit more on Ron and Hermione to help him, and even if they weren’t convinced, prove it one way or another. If he’d gotten Hermione involved perhaps some tragedy could have been averted.

When Everyone Thinks Harry is Mad in The Order of the Phoenix

When Harry returns to school after having seen Voldemort return, even the Gryffindor common room doesn’t seem safe. The Daily Prophet has been writing falsified articles all summer trying to make Harry look insane and they’ve been very effective on a good portion of the student body. We get to watch Ron stand up for Harry in front of their fellow Gryffindors, but Harry should also have stood up for himself. It was not enough to insult Seamus’ mother; Harry needed to do some more explaining, and remind everyone of all the good he’d already done for the school and the wizarding world.