The wrestling industry and the movie world really do go together hand in hand when you stop and think about it. The likes of WWE and AEW really are heightened soap operas with some incredibly athletic and physical matches thrown into it to tell the stories.

That’s why movies based around the sport, or movies that have elements of the sport included, all tend to do very well at the box office and with fans. They are gripping and have a great deal of both drama and action. Over the years there have been plenty of examples of movies that have utilized wrestling, both positively and negatively. However, in this list, we will be providing 10 examples of films that have utilized wrestling perfectly.

Nacho Libre

Is it absolutely ridiculous? Yes, in every single way, but Jack Black makes Nacho Libre work perfectly. It focuses heavily on how important and popular professional wrestling is to Mexican culture, from the importance of the mask to the high-flying style that Mexican wrestling is known for.

Obviously, it does so in a comedic fashion and there are some great moments within the film. It’s a great example of how bringing wrestling into mainstream movies can work really well, tapping into the mythos and intrigue of Mexican wrestling really well, even if it is very over the top.

Ready To Rumble

Another great wrestling movie is Ready to Rumble, which actually places a focus on the now-defunct WCW, rather than WWE. The story here is that two wrestling fans work hard to get their hero his title back from Diamond Dallas Page.

WCW pushed the movie so much that they actually gave David Arquette the World Title on television, much to the frustration of the fans. While the movie is ridiculous at times and is very comedic, it does give a great glimpse into the wrestling industry and features the sport excellently.


When movies that focus on the sport of wrestling add legendary professional wrestlers to the cast you know that the chances are high it will be a very honest and realistic look at the sport. That was the case with Legendary, which features WWE Superstar, John Cena.

The movie takes a book-smart teenager who makes the decision to join his school wrestling team as an attempt to reunite his family after they split following the death of his father, who just so happened to be a college wrestling legend.


The 2002 Spider-Man movie isn’t exactly jam-packed with professional wrestling as this is a superhero film that focuses on the web-slinging action. However, there is one scene that brings wrestling to the forefront and the movie handles it perfectly.

The moment takes place when Spider-Man accepts a steel cage match against ‘Bone Saw.’ A seemingly impossible task, he goes in and takes a beating in what is an iconic scene from the film. Interestingly, Toby Maguire is actually competing against a wrestling legend in this scene, as he stands across the ring from Macho Man Randy Savage.

No Holds Barred

No Holds Barred features WWE legend, Hulk Hogan and is entirely built around the wrestling industry. While it might not be the greatest movie in terms of the films quality or its storyline, it does certainly have a good grip of the wrestling industry.

There is plenty of the business side of things shown within this, such as backstage offers to join different networks. Although everything is heightened to make the film feel as exciting as possible.

The Resurrection Of Jake The Snake

Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts is one of the most iconic professional wrestlers of all time and someone who has experienced all the highs and lows that come with the sport. While he reached the absolute pinnacle of wrestling success, he also hit the absolute rock bottom as well.

This fascinating documentary movie showcased how Diamond Dallas Page worked hard to bring Jake’s life back together. Working with him as he gets back to fitness and health as he attempts to earn a Hall Of Fame spot, it is an emotional roller coaster that really highlights the industry.

Beyond The Mat

This would be the wrestling movie that Vince McMahon might not want you to go and watch. Out of every movie on this list, Beyond The Mat is the most brutally honest and truthful about the wrestling business. This documentary dives into the lives of professional wrestlers, showing exactly what it is like to be in the business.

It doesn’t glamorize things or shy away from the facts, which is why it became so incredibly popular. Beyond The Mat is a must-watch movie for any professional wrestling fan or anyone that is wanting to learn more about the industry in general.


Lots of movies have utilized professional wrestling over the years, taking the popularity of WWE to attract audiences. Whether it be a few one-off scenes or the plot of the entire movie. However, Foxcatcher took a slightly different approach as it focuses on amateur wrestling.

This is actually a true-crime drama that is based upon a real story, with wrestling being at the core. Olympic wrestlers, Mark and Dave are invited by a multimillionaire sponsor to form a facility, called Foxcatcher, but a tragedy totally changes everything. Even though it is so much more than just wrestling, the sport is at the core of everything and the film does a brilliant job in blending it in.

Fighting With My Family

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson produced Fighting With My Family which was based on a BBC documentary that follows WWE Superstar, Paige, and her journey to working for the biggest company in the world. It stars Florence Pugh and it really does utilize the wrestling industry in an amazing way.

Of course, with The Rock being heavily involved, the movie was always going to use the wrestling industry in the most legitimate way possible. The film focuses heavily on in-ring wrestling and the actors really do an amazing job at making everything look and feel as legitimate and real as possible.

The Wrestler

A movie named The Wrestler really had to utilize wrestling perfectly didn’t it? Had the movie cheapened out and opted to not get the finest details about the wrestling industry right, it would have been a total mess. However, the attention to detail throughout this film really is superb.

Mickey Rourke puts in arguably the greatest performance of his career in this film as an ageing professional wrestler whose career is coming to an end. The movie doesn’t just get the in-ring work spot on, but also details behind the scenes. Combining aspects of the wrestling business with a glorified and over the top storyline helped create a perfect movie that both non-fans and fans of the sport can enjoy.