The gang of four on Seinfeld has done some pretty awful things to one another. Being bad roommates sure is one of them. If they gave awards for terrible roommates, Kramer would make the cut. George isn’t so pleasant himself, neither is Jerry. As for Elaine, the less said, the better.

Get someone to pee on your couch, fight for your keys, have your neighbor suffer from the red lights, enter a fogged apartment. You name it, the gang has done it all. They may have lived apart, but they caused enough trouble to another. For starters, we count the top ten times Seinfeld and his gang were terrible roommates to one another.

The Keys Fiasco

“The Keys” is proof of how terrible roommates George, Jerry, Kramer, and Elaine are. Jerry asks Kramer back for his spare keys, Kramer makes key-buds with George. After breaking the covenant of the keys, Kramer runs to California leaving the rest of the gang dazed and confused. Meanwhile, Jerry gives his spare keys to Elaine. George and Jerry tussle over keys at Monk’s Cafe. It’s one big key situation. For a group of adults, the key fiasco was easily avoidable. Kramer should have known better. But who are we kidding?

Inviting Poppie To Pee On Jerry’s Couch

The question isn’t whether Poppie deliberately peed on Jerry’s brand new sofa. The question is, how unapologetic Kramer was about the whole thing. Half the customers left Poppie’s restaurant after hearing his stand on the abortion issue. Elaine and Jerry, of course, kick off the conversation. The two leave immediately, costing Poppie his health. Kramer brings Poppie to Jerry’s to claim the meal money. While waiting for the money, Poppie who’s still recovering pees on Jerry’s sofa.

Suicide Prevention, What?

It’s a well-known fact Newman was suicidal in his early years. Newman actually jumped from the second floor in “The Revenge.” But before Newman attempted to kill himself, he called Kramer. Newman and Kramer were good friends. Oddly Kramer told him to wave at him when he passed by his window. Newman survived the suicide, and it was portrayed in a light manner. But the phone call was clearly his cry for help. The show makers decided to write a joke based on suicide.

According to Kramer, Newman would call him at 3 in the night to tell him he was killing himself. Newman felt suicidal for years. Jerry and Kramer discuss Newman at length. Never does it occur to them maybe they should do their part to help Newman. “No job, no women.. he’s faking it,” says Kramer. What ill-treatment of such a sensitive subject. Way to go, Kramer and the gang!

The Robbery

In “The Robbery,” Jerry left Elaine in charge of his apartment while he flew to Minneapolis for a show. He left a clear set of instructions about dos the don’ts. Jerry was basically doing Elaine a favor by letting her stay at his place. It’s quite a place for Elaine, and she gets to stay away from her roommate Tina for the weekend. It’s all fun and games till Elaine is shopping at Bloomingdale’s and Kramer comes in to borrow Jerry’s spatula. Kramer leaves Jerry’s door open. Not the lock, but the actual door. Kramer was going to shut the door behind him, but he got busy watching a soap opera. As a result, Jerry is robbed of his TV, stereo, leather jacket, computer, and an answering machine.

Eating Out Of Jerry’s Fridge

Elaine, George, and Kramer eat out of Jerry’s fridge on a daily. Kramer likes to do it often, barging in at midnight for meat, for a spatula when Jerry is out. Jerry is robbed because of Kramer. Kramer leaves Jerry’s door open to watch a soap opera. It’s unfathomable how much this gravy-train costs Jerry. Sure he makes enough to feed the three of them, but it is impolite on part of George, Elaine, and Kramer, to say the least. It is impractical for three adults to think opening Jerry’s fridge without his consent is alright.

Kramer Entered Jerry’s At 4 In The Morning

What does Kramer do when he’s bored? He lays on Jerry’s bed at 4 o’clock in the morning. It is his polyphasic sleeping method. He creeps up on Jerry, tries to wake him up. Kramer has free time on his hands, he doesn’t know what to do. So he tries to talk Jerry into renting a movie at 4 in the morning. At an ungodly hour, Jerry has to shove Kramer out of his bedroom. Thanks for the 4 am wake up call, Kramer!

It gets worse. Kramer borrows Jerry’s jacket without asking because he was cold at 4 in the morning. Somehow he dozed off and woke in a puddle of garbage. Jerry had to get the jacket to the Friar’s Club before the show that night.

Kramer Turns Jerry’s Apartment Into A Furnace

Kramer bought a hot tub from Newman in “The Hot Tub.” He installed it in his living room. It’s a thing of beauty, so it should go in the living room. Kramer fell asleep in it, while the heat pump broke. The Water went down 58 degrees and Kramer’s core temperature plummeted. So, Kramer liberally turned on the heat at Jerry’s apartment, without even consulting him. It turned Jerry’s place into a furnace and caused him discomfort.

Misusing Celia’s Place

Jerry actually drugged his girlfriend to sleep, to play with her vintage toys. Celia had inherited vintage toys from her father after he died from a long and painful bout with.. a disease we’ll never know. Jerry obviously frequented at her place, since he was the boyfriend. He pretty much could bring guests, he brought George. George didn’t come alone, he came as part of Jerry’s plan - an eighteen-pound turkey and a box of wine to comatose Celia to sleep. The girlfriend slept on the couch and the boyfriend played with collectible toys. What an absolute abuse of privilege. Jerry did this several times before Kramer finally put an end to his evil scheme.

Elaine And The Englishman

Laney went to England with Mr. Pitt for five days. There she met an Englishman, named Simon. The two hit it off. So Elaine flew him in using her frequent-flier miles. Simon came on an open-ended ticket, he could stay indefinitely at Elaine’s. Only, things went south. Simon had no money and no prospects. He was there on Elaine’s expense. Meanwhile, Jerry gave Simon Kenny Bania’s brand new Armani suit for free. Elaine got rid of Simon in the most disgraceful manner. No doubt Simon was a bounder, but to be heckled by Kennie Bania for his suit was ugly. Simon may have returned to Elaine’s without any clothes, only to be kicked out by her this time.

Letting Elaine Enter Fumigated Apartment

Not sure who the bigger culprit is here; Elaine or Jerry. The story goes something like, Newman bugged Jerry’s apartment. Jerry was left with no choice but to fog his apartment to get rid of the fleas. Elaine somehow forgot her manuscript inside Jerry’s. She had to get hold of it, for an amazing work opportunity had arisen. Kramer was equally the worst. He ventured into Jerry’s fogged apartment, read the manuscript and left it somewhere. Amidst all this, Jerry let Elaine enter his apartment to go hunt for her manuscript. Interchangeably, Elaine may have landed Jerry in trouble by venturing into a hazardous zone.