Businesses are usually tricky when building from scratch and maybe on a loan basis. They say that if you are a faint-hearted person, you definitely should not venture into business simply because you will fail several times before you flourish.

We have several companies that fail as early as six months, and others will automatically flourish to over 100 years. So what is the secret? Could it be luck? Let’s look at several U.S. companies that have existed for over 100 years.


This company is believed to have existed from the year 1772. It is said to have manufactured the first cologne. This is the oldest, if not the first, company to have manufactured fragrances and cosmetics that have been used across Africa.

The business started from scratch and grew to what it has become today. The company’s primary aim was to ensure that the Americans had a pleasant scent when using their perfumes and colognes.

Shirley Plantation

This business has been through ups and downs. It was tested severally when they began it in Virginia. This company is the oldest business that family members run. It is said to have the best tracking records for old artifacts and ancient forms.

The Shirley plantation is one of the oldest companies and has a significant effect. Instead, it keeps records for the ancient time, tracking everything from the colonial period; for instance, it has forms of when the Americans held the first African captive.

Seaside Inn

The Seaside Inn is the oldest hotel in America. Just like the Shirley plantation, the business is operated by family members. The hotel is said to have existed since 1662 and has been running through different families. The hotel is ranked number 45 worldwide as one of the oldest companies.

Stoneware and Co.

The family opened this company in Kentucky in 1815. This is among the oldest companies that deals with stoneware. The company’s products are very efficient and have the best quality ever. This particular trait made the company survive that whole time.

Rose Law Firm

For any legal matters, visit the Rose Law Firm. This is the oldest Law Firm that has ever existed in Mississippi. The name has been changed several times, but the term Rose is still in existence. It is associated with classy individuals and offers its clients the best legal service matters.

C.D. Peacock

This company is associated with the best rings and gifts one could wish to offer their loved ones. It was founded in the year 1836. The company began as a watch repair one before it graduated to having the best rings and gifts. The existence of the company and its long-term service comes in due to its ability to serve its customers well and their uniqueness.

Minhas Craft Brewery

The family members also run this business. It is the oldest brewing company and was first situated in Monroe. As with any other business, the company has had several setbacks. For instance, there was a time when it encountered a fire incident not once but twice, and it survived by God’s mercies.

Pensacola Hardware

This company is ranked the oldest business in Florida and the 50th in the nation. The firm has grown. It has divided its deals into hardware and paint supplies and the supplies that the contractors mostly need during their masonry work.

The Palace Saloon

This business has lasted more than ten decades. Just as the name suggests, it serves quality and greatness. It is believed to have the best bar services and offers space and accommodation to everyone, especially the political class who hold important meetings there.

Look’s Marketplace

This company is one of the oldest businesses that began from grass. The company has, however, grown, and you could barely recognize it. It mainly focuses on butcher products. The company started as a sole proprietorship business but has graduated from being a business owned by a family.

Several reasons why a company survives for a long time.

They have a vital mission, vision, and corporate culture. They have unique core values. Good leadership. ConsistencyGreat employee-employer relationship. Achievable and realistic goals


Businesses are not for the faint-hearted. One must be ready to endure a lot of problems before they can say that their business is flourishing and everything is running smoothly. If you take losses with so much pain, you will likely not have any business survive.

Look at how the businesses above gained fame, even from starting from scratch to serving a very long period of more than ten decades.