Back in October of 2014 DC announced a massive slate of movies, the vast majority of which will likely never happen. One such project was that of Green Lantern Corps., another attempt at doing the Green Lantern IP justice following the Ryan Reynolds starring flop we all know and… well, try to forget.

While the film has been plagued with production issues and won’t meet it’s 2020 release date, there are still many rumors that it will eventually make it to theatres in some form of another, most likely with a Geoff Johns penned script. With Johns’ penchant for embracing the full scope of characters in adaptation, it’s likely some weird and wonderful characters will make the cut. Here are a few we’d like to see.


A character with one of the more pronounceable names on this list, and one of the more well known, Mogo is a sentient planet. Equal parts spectacular and weird, Mogo was a character created by Alan Moore back in 1985, first introduced in Green Lantern Vol. 2 issue 118 in a story called, “Mogo Doesn’t Socialise.”

Mogo as an entity is sustained by the energy emitted by the Green Lantern Power Battery and is heavily involved in the distribution of green power rings. Due to his importance within the Green Lantern mythos having grown from a character in a one-off story to an integral member of the Corps. it would be hard to imagine a space fairing Green Lantern movie without the presence of Mogo.


Technically, Larfleeze isn’t a member of the Green Lanterns, but you probably guessed that from his aura being very much orange and not green, however, he is a bizarre and intriguing character that would be a perfect showcase for the rest of the power ring spectrum.

The one-and-only member of the Orange Lantern Corps., Larfleeze wields the power of greed, and rarely allows others to wield the orange lantern’s power voluntarily. He’s several billions of years old and is an ex-thief and slave (something than added to his kleptomaniac complex), more often than not acting as an antagonist to Hal Jordan. Geoff Johns even created him, so he might be tempted to include one of his own characters in the upcoming script.


Originating from the planet Maag, Volk is a member of an alien race that are basically composed of sentient lava encased in a body of organic rock. He’s so hot, in fact, that he maintains a forcefield around himself when working with other Green Lanterns so that he doesn’t harm them, just like a thoughtful co-worker should.

He pops up a few times in Green Lantern history, most notably leading a strike force to destroy several forges producing Sinestro Corps. yellow power rings. Due to the source material, it’s unlikely we’ll see Volk in a major capacity, but seeing a volcano headed lava man recreated in live-action would be awesome none the less.


G’nort Esplanade G’neesmacher (say that three times fast) was recruited into the Green Lanterns because of nepotism. Seriously, the only reason he initially became a Green Lantern was that a relative of his was once a famous member, this resulted in G’nort being used as comic relief, for the most part, once being depicted as too stupid to read a map.

The Green Lanterns were very aware of G’nort’s incompetence, giving him a sector of space completely void of life to patrol. It’s more than likely that Guy Gardner will be included in Green Lantern Corps. as comic relief, but we can’t help but wonder if G’nort would fit that role more nicely.


While Ch’p may resemble an earth rodent, he’s actually an alien from the planet H’lven. Ch’p became a Green Lantern when his home planet was invaded by one Doctor Ub’x using a Crabster army. Ch’p was captured and gifted the ring of his sector’s predecessor when they died in battle against the Crabster army.

If that’s not weird enough for you,  Ch’p actually died at the hands of Sinestro and was replaced by another H’lvanian called B’dg. Surprisingly, this space squirrel has a lot of history with Hal Jordan, both being in the same group of recruits trained by Kilowog, so if we don’t see him pop up it’s a serious omission.


Hal Jordan and the other Green Lanterns aren’t the only Green Lantern characters with Earth origins to wield a power ring. Dex-Starr isn’t some alien that resembles an Earth feline, he is literally a cat that possesses the power of rage. He got where he is now after possibly having the worst day in the history of the universe.

Originally abandoned as a kitten, Dex-Starr was adopted by a loving owner, she was murdered and Dex-Starr was kicked to the curb by police. Then while living on the streets, two thugs decided it would be funny to bag the poor tabby and throw him off a bridge, but before he hit the water a Red Lantern Ring detected his rage and saved him so he could enact some revenge. Honestly, we don’t want to see Dex-Starr in Green Lantern Corps., we want to see him in his own film, he’s earned it.

The Collective

Sector 1287 is populated and dominated by these floating super-intelligent hive-minded fuzzballs sometimes referred to as the “Fuzzball Collective” sometimes referred to simply as “The Collective.” The hive itself is centered around a Queen, however, this Queen wasn’t deemed intelligent enough to wield a power ring, and so the entire hive was recruited.

When the hive was recruited, the power ring handed to them was actually absorbed as nutrients resulting in each separate fuzzy floater becoming a sentient Green Lantern ring. If that sounds overpowered, its because it is, sector 1287 is deemed the safest sector in the galaxy. It might be a little over-complicated for the film, but a nod and a wink would be nice.



One of the oldest and most celebrated Green Lanterns, due to the age and nature of their race, Apros’ real name is unpronounceable by a human tongue. Not only does this member of the Green Lantern Honour Guard possess the abilities granted by a power ring, but also psionic powers of their own that have been used to invade enemy minds or train Green Lanterns to overcome fear.

The inclusion of this Super Saiyan jellyfish on a big-screen adaptation is pretty unlikely, however, they might just have to be included if the film details the recruitment of one ginger Green Lantern, Guy Gardener. Apros trained him when he was first recruited, helping Gardener overcome his reluctance to become a Lantern.

Rot Lop Fan

Another Green Lantern originally created by Alan Moore, the guardian of sector 0911 hails from the Obsidian Deeps, a part of deep space so completely void of light that its inhabitance has no sense of sight but instead an advanced sense of hearing.

Due to this lack of sight, when Rot Lop Fan was initially recruited they had zero concept of what the words “green” or “lantern” meant. It couldn’t be translated and so instead Rot Lop Fan became the first member of the “F-Sharp Bells” a sound-based offshoot of the Green Lanterns. Definitely something that hasn’t been done on-screen before.


Definitely more on the end of weirdly ridiculous instead of outlandish or bizarre, this Green Lantern is the least fleshed out on this list, but definitely the funniest. Always a background character, B’ox was first seen defending Oa from the Spider Guild invasion and seen serving under Kilowog in the Sinestro Corps War.

Very little is known about B’ox, his planet of origin, space sector, and the name of his species have all yet to be revealed. All we know is that he resembles the Earth construct known as a “box.” This one is just so weird that it’d be disappointing not to at least see B’ox cameo in the background of a scene set on Oa.