Refresh rates and frame rates are two very distinct concepts, and they frequently clash. For example, a 120Hz display refreshes twice as fast as a 60Hz display, allowing for 120 frames per second, while a 240Hz panel can handle 240 frames per second.

What Is A Motion Rate?

The principle behind motion interpolation is that adding extra frames to a video source can enhance the frame and refresh rate; frames are not included in the original recording. As a result, we may enable motion interpolation in the TV’s display menu to play a 60 Hz movie at 120 Hz (or more).

The number of times a television screen refreshes or redraws itself each second is the refresh rate. Even though the footage on your television appears to be a continuous stream of moving images, keep in mind that it is a succession of still images that vary rapidly enough to create the illusion of movement. Watching TV won’t necessarily see the screen refreshing since the changes are too fast for the human eye to detect as long as everything is functioning correctly.

That’s when the TV refresh rate comes into play. The smoother the video seems, the more often the huge screen TV can refresh the picture each second. You’ll notice a glitch or a missing frame in the video sequence at this point.

When fast-moving items are presented on the screen, such as in sports programming, an insufficient refresh rate might cause a little blur. Remember that a 4K television has four times the amount of pixels to calculate and draw every refresh than an HDTV; thus, using higher refresh rates on a 4K TV is more difficult and takes more processing resources.

Frames That Are Duplicated

Some HDTVs, particularly those from a few years ago, duplicated frames to fill in the gaps. So, if a video is 30 frames per second and the TV refreshes at 60 frames per second, each frame will be presented twice. To the naked sight, the replica would be undetectable. This method, however, didn’t help much with the problem of blurring motion on LCD TVs.

Another alternative is to turn off the LCD television’s LED lighting between frames. To avoid a significant flicker in the video, this must be done fast. The extra frames would simply be black rather than a repeated frame filling the vacant frames of a 30 fps movie with a 60Hz refresh rate.

Frames That Have Been Interpolated

Manufacturers employed a different approach called interpolating frames since HDTVs, and now 4K TVs had more powerful CPUs. Using this method, software incorporated into the television compares back-to-back frames and then produces a frame or frames to fit in between them to smooth out any variations in those back-to-back frames.

So, if you’re watching 30 frames per second video on a 60Hz television, the TV’s software will add one additional frame between each pair of frames. The pixels in the software-generated frame would represent an average of the pixel locations in the “actual” frames around it.

The interpolation approach becomes much more common when comparing 120Hz vs. 240Hz TV refresh rates. For example, a 120Hz TV would need to produce three frames between each pair of 30 fps video frames, while a 240Hz TV would need to create seven frames between each pair of 30 fps video frames. For fast-moving subjects, this method works quite well, allowing the LCD to function better.

Some individuals dislike the interpolated video because it appears to be nearly too smooth. Still, these higher refresh rates are the greatest way to counteract some of the motion blur issues with LCD technology.

Fake Refresh Rates Must Be Avoided

Although most TVs claim to attain refresh rates of 120Hz, 240Hz, or even higher, whether they truly deliver such a significant performance improvement is debatable. Each TV maker employs its software to produce the additional frames, and virtually every TV manufacturer utilizes a marketing brand to define its refresh rate.

It’s crucial to note that there is no universal standard for determining a TV’s real refresh rate or how well its software will function. As a result, some manufacturers depend on marketing claims rather than actual measured TV refresh rates when advertising a specific refresh rate. To make their refresh rates sound like a high-performance product, producers will give them interesting brand names.


So, if you want to put 120Hz vs. 240Hz vs. 60Hz TVs to the test, you’ll need to do some research. First, check the small print on any marketing promises concerning a brand’s refresh rates. Many manufacturers may post explanations for their refresh rate branding on the Internet, assisting you in your study. However, instead of an effective refresh rate, look for promises of an actual refresh rate.

Is it true that all 4K TVs run at 120Hz?

In reality, no 4K TV has a native screen refresh rate higher than 120Hz, regardless of the number mentioned alongside it. Most TVs refresh at 60 frames per second, with some higher-end versions at 120 frames per second. The refresh rate on certain older 1080p LCD TVs is 240Hz.

Is 240Hz a decent refresh rate?

Having a higher refresh rate is ideal. However, if you can’t get above 144 FPS (Frames Per Second) in games, there’s no need for a 240Hz display unless you wish to future-proof your system. In summary, 240Hz allows for very smooth and fluid fast-paced gaming.

Is 240Hz preferable to 4k?

The sharpest is 4k 60. Although 1440p 144hz is still good and quick, 240hz might be preferable if you want a more competitive advantage.