When it comes to choosing a refresh rate for your monitor, you have two main options: 120Hz and 144Hz. But what’s the difference between these two refresh rates? And which one is right for you? The main difference between 120Hz Vs 144Hz is that 144Hz is a bit better and smoother than 120Hz. This means that 144Hz is better for gaming since it can handle more frames per second. However, 120Hz is still plenty fast for most gamers, and it may even be better for some types of games. No one can tell the difference between the two easily.  So, which refresh rate should you choose? If you’re a casual gamer, 120Hz is probably fine. But if you’re a competitive gamer or you want the absolute best gaming experience possible, 144Hz is the way to go. 

Reasons for faster refresh rate 

The average person prefers a faster refresh rate because it feels more natural. We are used to seeing things in real life at a certain frame rate, so when we see something on a screen that is lower, it can appear choppy or slow. A faster refresh rate eliminates this problem and provides a smoother, more realistic experience.  If you are staring at a screen for long periods, a higher refresh rate can help reduce the strain on your eyes. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference. Some people are more sensitive to the differences in refresh rate, while others may not notice a difference at all. 

The faster refresh rate for gaming

It is commonly accepted that a higher refresh rate is better for gaming. A refresh rate is the number of times a display can update per second, and it is measured in Hz. Most displays today still have a refresh rate of 60 Hz, but gaming displays can have refresh rates of 144 Hz or even 240 Hz. The benefits of a higher refresh rate are most noticeable in fast-paced games, such as first-person shooters. It can make it easier to track moving targets and avoid getting hit yourself. It can also reduce latency, which is the amount of time it takes for a frame to be displayed on the screen. If you’re a serious gamer, then you’ll want to get a display with a high refresh rate. It can give you an upgrade in your gaming experience. 


144hz is not much different from 120 Hz. The main difference is that 144hz monitors have a slightly higher refresh rate, which means that they can display more images per second than 120hz monitors. This can be beneficial for gamers who want to have a competitive edge, as it can help to reduce input lag and improve framerates. However, for most people, the difference between 120hz Vs 144hz is not going to be noticeable by laymen easily. 

Is there anything higher than 144Hz?

144Hz is currently the standard refresh rate for high-end gaming monitors. But some gamers are wondering if there is anything higher than 144Hz. The answer is that there are displays that are higher than 144Hz. That’s where 240Hz comes into the picture. It is even smoother and faster than 144Hz and gamers across the world are switching to 240Hz quickly so if you have a 144Hz display, it’s the time when you should probably upgrade and should get a 240Hz display for a better gaming experience. 

Are 144Hz displays expensive?

Yes, they are still not very cheap.  So, are 144Hz displays worth the extra cost? For some gamers, the answer is yes. I want a good gaming experience, a 144Hz display can be worth the investment. However, if you’re not a hardcore gamer or you don’t watch movies much, you may not care much about the 60Hz or 144Hz display. Therefore, it is all about your preference. If you like to try something different, you can give a try a faster refresh rate display and see the difference yourself.