Among the survivors, some experienced wounds, said Saidar Rahmanjaya, top of the activity unit of the common hunt and salvage office.

“The complete loss of life remained at 13 now,” he told Xinhua news organization over telephone.

He said that the hunt and salvage activity was stopped now and it would continue on Tuesday.

Rahmanjaya, who is additionally the field organizer of the hunt and salvage activity, said that the salvage activity affected individuals from his office, another traveler boat and mariners from the area.

He declined to give the quantity of missing people in the mishap, focusing on that he would zero in on the salvage activity.

The clearing of the travelers and the team individuals from the boat was quickly done after the fire broke out, Putu Sudayana, top of the commonplace hunt and salvage office, told the news organization over telephone.

Nonetheless, he said that colossal waves hampered the departure of the travelers of the boat.

— NetIndian (@netindian) October 25, 2022

The boat, Shantika Lestari, burst into flames when it was cruising in the waters off Kupang city, the capital of the region, as per Richard Pelt, a senior authority of the common fiasco the executives and moderation organization.

The boat left from a seaport in Kupang city and was making a beeline for the Alor region of the territory, he told the news organization.