The third season of the hit Netflix drama, 13 Reasons Why, premiered this year. After three whole seasons of this devastating high school, we’ve gotten to know the characters pretty well. Whether you’re team Justin, team Alex, or even team Clay, you definitely have your favorite and least favorite characters. More importantly, the characters probably do, too.

This group is bound by secrets, but it doesn’t mean they get along. In case you’re looking for a friendship model, we’re here to set the record straight. Here are 5 of the best friendships on the show, and 5 that are totally toxic.

Worst: Alex & Justin

We definitely don’t think it’s a secret that these two don’t totally get along. In fact, we’re not sure we’d call them “friends”, but they have to deal with one another quite often.

Yes, there’s definitely bad blood over Jessica, but it turns out that these two guys just don’t really care about or respect one another. Alex and Justin are both pretty selfless people, but they’re the total opposite when it comes to each other. In fact, we probably see each character at their worst when they confront one other. There’s lots of name-calling, insults, and all round negativity going on between these two.

Best: Zach & Chloe

While Chloe is definitely not one of the main characters, we still think this friendship is one of the best. Zach and Chloe are totally selfless with one another, and we definitely see them caring for each other to a pretty immense degree.

Specifically, the entire pregnancy thing is one of Zach’s most redeeming moments in the entire show. He goes with her and supports her as well as her right to choose. These two are friendship goals, and we can only hope to have as supportive a relationship as these two have.

Worst: Tony & Clay

This claim is more relevant to season 3. Honestly, while we’re also convinced that these two would do just about anything for each other, that’s pretty much the only positive thing about this friendship.

The entire season about Bryce’s murder is just Tony and Clay lying to one another again, again, and again. Between lying about where they were, what happened to Tony’s family, or speaking with Olivia Baker, we can’t even keep up with the lies. That’s pretty toxic because all friends should be honest with one another.

Best: Clay & Tyler

We also all want a friendship like this pair. Clay is the only person that Tyler solely trusts, and that is more than evident. After everything this young man has been through, he is able to confide in Clay. What’s even better, is that Clay is totally willing to listen and even goes out of his way to make sure that Tyler has the opportunity to share anything and everything.

These two support one another, and we’re confident (and it’s been quite proven), that these two would do just about anything for each other.

Worst: Bryce & Justin

This one hurts us to admit, but we think it’s time. Justin and Bryce are like brothers, and yes, Bryce has actually been there for Justin over and over again when he had no one else to fall on. This is really sweet, and we know that Bryce meant a lot to Justin. However, we’re still going to say that this friendship was pretty toxic.

Justin feels obliged to Bryce, and we’ve seen how sticky this can get. These two almost have this unconscious need to never screw each other over because there have been so many bad things that have happened around the both of them. Justin needed to let go, and as tragic as it is, he’s better off for it.

Best: Ani & Jessica

Ani is an interesting character, and we’re not really confident placing her in a positive friendship with really anyone else (although we considered Clay). However, we truly do see a genuine and supportive friendship between her and Jessica.

Ani makes Jessica feel strong, and she’s always there to assure her that she is a beast. Also, they have a pretty tight and personal relationship, including helping each other with the really discrete stuff. This female relationship is kind of the only one on the show, and we’re happy it’s positive.

Worst: Zach & Clay

Again, it’s not really a secret that these two don’t quite along. Sure, they’d probably go to bat for each other, but they don’t really want to talk to each other in less it’s a matter of survival.

They tolerate each other, basically, and they respect that they share secrets and pain. Other than that, they also resort to some pretty foul insults and names, and they’re more than willing to confront one another in anger and annoyance. They steer clear, and they probably should. These two are definitely not friendship goals.

Best: Zach & Alex

Zach and Alex are an unlikely but impressive friendship. When Alex couldn’t walk, Zach carried his bags, drove him to school, and even helped him alot at the gym in his recovery. When it was Zach’s turn to be injured, it was Alex who stepped in to make sure he was okay.

These two definitely have each other’s back, and they’re also willing to be honest with each other while simultaneously being incredibly supportive. If you were wondering what a good male friendship looks like, we suggest looking no further than Zach and Alex.

Worst: Alex & Bryce

While this unlikely friendship eventually came to end, we were incredibly relieved when it did. Alex’s most risky and selfish behavior had everything to do with Bryce. Yes, he made his own choice, but he only indulged around Bryce.

From cocaine to steroids to prostitutes, it’s safe to say that Bryce wasn’t doing Alex any favors. We’re also just going to ignore the whole breaking-into-a-random-house thing. Yeah, Alex was in a low place, but we’re not about to condone this behavior to deal with it. In fact, all of these bad behaviors even continued post-Bryce, so we’re going to venture to say that Bryce was kind of toxic for Alex, and Alex did nothing to make Bryce better, either.

Best: Justin & Clay

Honestly, we’d be crazy if we didn’t put these two at the top of this list. They are the definition of ride or die, and we literally don’t think there is ANYTHING these two wouldn’t do for each other.

Besides that, they actually just do stuff for each other all the time, even if it’s not a dire situation. They also don’t get mad at each other, and they know that whatever the other one does is ALWAYS in their best interest. This is true friendship, and honestly, we could all benefit and only hope to have as good of a friend as these two are to each other. #friendshipgoals, all the way.