Some Avengers just are not mighty enough to keep up with the likes of Odin or Thanos, so they end up using their wits, ingenuity, and sometimes their friends, to become more.

Daredevil, for example, has the power of sight without actually having the ability to see, he does not have super strength or speed. He makes up for that with his intelligence and fighting prowess, which includes the use of various weapons. He is able to take two sticks and a whip and turn them into a villain’s worst nightmare. In this case, it is the hero that makes the weapon, but in others, it is the weapon that makes the hero.

The Avengers are meant to be Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, but some heroes just aren’t mighty enough without their trusty weapon in hand. Characters like Rocket Raccoon, who don’t really have any superpowers other than being adorable and snarky, can rise up and hang with the best through the use of various blasters and other weaponry. Of course, there are characters everywhere in between. For this list, we are focused on the weapons, rather than the heroes who use them.

Here are the Avengers Weapons, Ranked Weakest To Strongest.

15. Black Widow’s Bites

Black Widow’s Bites have a vast array of uses that can be seen throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe. In the MCU they focused very heavily on the taser-like functionalities of the Black Widow Bites, but the comics present a drastically different version of the gauntlets.

The films show us several new functionalities of Black Widow’s chosen weapon.

Originally developed by the KGB and modified by Tony Stark in the MCU, Natasha Romanoff has received a few new upgrades such as taser disks, electrical charges, and taser batons along with a slight blue glow.

She uses the taser disks to hold off Black Panther so that Captain America and Bucky can escape in the Quinjet, while she is able to use the taser batons to fend off pesky Ultron sentries.

14. Hawkeye’s Bow

While not being as technologically fancy as Black Widow’s Bites, Hawkeye’s bow has proven itself to be a valuable asset to the Avengers (provided it is in the hands of Clint Barton). In the comics, Hawkeye is trained to peak human physicality and is able to utilize a bow with a draw weight of 250 lbs.

Things like humidity and range affect arrows, and in general, different bows are suited to different tasks.

For example, in Captain America: Civil War, Hawkeye makes the smart decision to switch from a compound bow to a recurve bow. A compound bow can typically fire an arrow at 300 fps, or 200 mph, while a recurve bow fires at about 225 fps or 150 mph. A recurve bow is much more suited to the battle of Civil War since his armored friends are capable of flight and he is not trying to demolish them.

13. Captain America’s Shield

Captain America has used many different shields throughout his run in the comics, but we are going to focus on the shield he consistently uses in the MCU.

Cap’s cinematic shield was originally created by the U.S. Armed forces and given to him by Howard Stark, while in the comics his circular shield was developed by Dr. Myron Maclain.

The fascinating part of the Captain’s shield is how it works.

Captain America’s shield is made from Marvel’s rarest metal, Vibranium. Vibranium has the ability to absorb kinetic energy. This means that when the shield is thrown it gains kinetic energy, so when it impacts another object it bounces because the kinetic energy is absorbed and then released by the shield, essentially returning the kinetic energy to the shield.

12. Winter Soldier’s Arm

The Winter Soldier already has enhanced strength due to Hydra experiments, but with the addition of his prosthetic arm, he is able to overpower Captain America. The titanium arm provides him with greater strength than his old war buddy and puts him closer to the strength of Iron Man. It is not made of the strongest metals currently, but it is strong, mobile, and most importantly natural to use.

One of the biggest benefits of the arm is that it’s most likely the replacement to his non-dominant hand.

In the movies and comics, when he holds a gun or throws a punch, it was with his right hand the majority of the time, meaning that his weaker side received a very large boost in strength.

With rumors of him getting a Vibranium upgrade from Wakanda, there is even more potential to Bucky’s arm.

11. Hawkeye’s Quiver And Trick Arrows

While Hawkeye’s bow may be the most iconic part of the hero, it is really his quiver and arrows that make him able to participate in the adventures of the Avengers. Although Hawkeye is a normal human trained to peak performance, his raw strength and speed put him at a disadvantage against foes like Loki, Ultron, and Thanos.

Hawkeye utilizes an amazing quiver. He can pull out arrows that are already assembled, or the quiver can place trick arrow tips as he pulls the arrow from the quiver, giving him whatever he needs from an array of trick arrows.

Clint can use everything from net and sonic arrows to explosive and electromagnetic pulse arrows.

It might not seem like it, but Hawkeye does possess one of the Avengers most versatile weapons in the quiver and trick arrows.

10. Falcon’s Wings

In the MCU, Falcon can be seen using the Exo-7 suit to aid Captain America. The suit can obviously be used for flight but they also augment the user in specific ways.

Sam Wilson can temporarily increase his punching strength by using the suit’s thrusters.

It also comes equipped with magnification goggles that utilize a HUD, and two fully automated collapsable pistols and the Red Wing are a definite bonus.

While he essentially stole the wings developed by the armed forces in the cinematic universe, it was actually the Black Panther who is responsible for the creation of the suit in the comic books - at the request of Captain America. He also ends up with a hard light version of the suit, also designed by T’Challa.

9. Black Panther’s Claws/Suit

Black Panther is one of the only characters that boasts stronger claws than Wolverine. While Wolverine’s claws are tough, Black Panther brings them to a whole new level. Not only are they made of a special type of Vibranium, they can also break down other metals on a molecular level. The Anti-Metal claws are the key to his stellar offensive capabilities but a perfect match for his defensive capacity.

To pair with his claws, he also utilizes the Black Panther suit, which is made of a Vibranium mesh that holds a lot of the same physical properties as Captain America’s shield. Also equipped with energy-dampening boots, T’challa, with enough momentum, can scale walls and even glide across the water. Black Panther is also an expert hunter and occasionally treats villains like prey (even using animal mimicry), so the stealth function of the suit gives him the element of surprise.

8. Spider-Man’s Web Shooters

Spider-Man’s web shooters are possibly one of the most underrated gadgets in the Marvel universe. It has both offensive and defensive capabilities, while also giving Peter Parker the ability to save citizens unfortunate enough to get caught in the middle of his battles. Clearly, Spider-Man’s webs are strong - but just how strong are they?

Spider silk is a very strong material by itself. In fact, spider silk has a tensile strength of up to 1.75 gigapascals per square millimeter or 392.4 lbs per square millimeter. It is theorized that the web slinger’s webs are even stronger, coming in at 39.2 gigapascals.

Not only are the webs strong, but Spider-Man can mold them and use them in various ways.

Combining the web shooters with Peter Parker’s super strength allows him to swing in and attack from surprising angles.

7. War Machine’s Armor Arsenal

Mini-guns, gauntlets with sub-machine guns, a stun staff, and a self-contained life support system with environmental protection are just a few examples of why the War Machine armor made it onto this list.

When it comes to offensive capabilities, War Machine is very similar to Tony Stark’s usual Iron Man suit - but with more guns.

The armor stands about 6’6” tall and weighs in at a whopping 470 lbs, making it a weapon even in the eyes of the MCU’s government.

War Machine lives up to his title with all of the fancy weaponry, but possibly more impressive is the suit’s ability to protect the user inside. The suit is capable of protecting the user from a large spectrum of environmental hazards such as radiation, underwater conditions, and even a vacuum.

6. Iron-Man suit(s)

Tony Stark clearly cares more about himself having an array of armors, and not so much about Rhodey having options as his collection of suits at one point was massive. Not only does he give Rhodey fewer suits, he also holds out on the best weapons and technology available to use for the suit.

Iron-Man 3, Tony Stark possessed the ability to summon the Iron Legion - an armada consisting of most, if not all, of his Iron Man suits. While most of the suits have similar features to War Machine, there are a few very notable differences, such as mini-thrusters, EMP projectiles, and a direct cybernetic interface that allows the user to control the entire suit or just portions of it. And then there’s a Hulkbuster suit, which serves an obviously powerful purpose.

5. Dragonfang

A nearly indestructible sword forged by a wizard using the bits of an extra-dimensional dragon and then being wielded by group of legendary and fierce Asgardian warriors makes a high-ranking weapon.

In the cinematic universe, Dragonfangs are the chosen weapon of the best female warriors of Asgard, the Valkryie. Unfortunately, the most notable scene for this weapon is just being picked up by Valkyrie in the battle against Hela.

In the comics, Dragonfang was forged by the wizard Khaji-Da using the mystical tusk of an extra-dimensional dragon.

It passed through various hands, including The Chosen One, Doctor Strange, and Lady Sif. Dragonfang can be used to destroy magical barriers and can even absorb magic, a concept Tony Stark has yet to get a grasp on.

4. Mjolnir

In most cases, it is the person that chooses the weapon, but Mjolnir is powerful enough to make that decision by itself. Mjolnir was forged in the heart of a dying star, and its name translates to the Grinder or the Crusher, which is fitting for a weapon of such immense power.

Inscribed on the hammer are the words “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor,” which other characters like Jane Foster have been able to experience in the comics.

Thor has been known to wield Mjolnir to utilize a move dubbed the God Blast.

Thor has used this to defeat the likes of Ymir, Juggernaut, and Surtur. Utilizing the Anti-Burst, Thor is able to destroy whole planets in mere seconds. The ability to handle the power of Thor is a feat in itself, making the hammer a worthy weapon.

3. Ultron

While Ultron is the leading antagonist in Marvel’s Avengers: Age Of Ultron, it is also technically a weapon. It may not have been Tony Stark’s intention to create a weapon, Ultron turned out to be too powerful to control, and having its emotional response based on Tony means it tends to be on the side of crazy, since he probably has some sort of PTSD, is a recovering alcoholic, and a little narcissistic.

Ultron is a self-advancing artificial intelligence. In other words, it is a weapon that knows how to make itself into a better weapon. It is smart enough to upgrade bodies going from a common metal to Adamantium, and finally to Vibranium.

Ultron has super strength, speed, intellect, stamina, and durability amongst a spectrum of computerized and high tech gadgetry.

2. Eye Of Agamotto

The Eye of Agamotto has to be a powerful amulet to accompany the Sorcerer Supreme. Doctor Strange wields an extremely powerful version of the Eye of Agamotto in the cinematic universe.

Unlike its comic book counterpart, the cinematic version also houses the Time Stone.

In essence, it allows the user to control the Infinity Stone without suffering adverse side effects of handling it.

The Eye of Agamotto has been used to defeat Dormammu in a very interesting way. Doctor Strange managed to create a time loop, effectively trapping himself with the villain. The result was the good doctor repeatedly being killed until his foe finally gave up. An unusual tactic indeed, but it takes a very powerful little Stone to make this possible.

1. The Vision/Mind Stone

We have already talked about how smart Ultron was, but it was smart enough to create The Vision using the Infinity Stone. Ultron had intended on creating the perfect body utilizing synthetic tissue and Adamantium. Ultron had failed to imprint its mind/data into The Vision’s body, giving the Avengers a chance to utilize Ultron’s creation, imprinting J.A.R.V.I.S into it instead.

Not only is The Vision a more powerful version of the Ultron body, with added abilities like density manipulation and intangibility, but his main advantage is the Mind Stone sitting snug in his forehead. It turned out to be the doom of Ultron, along with Tony’s repulsors, and the God of Thunder’s lightning.

On top of all of his other abilities, he is also worthy of wielding Mjolnir.

What’s your favorite Avengers weapon? Let us know in the comments.